BLIND GUARDIAN: la versione ri-registrata di “Ashes To Ashes”

Pubblicato il 11/07/2024


I BLIND GUARDIAN il 2 agosto 2024 pubblicheranno una versione ri-registrata tra il 2022 e il 2023 del loro album classico “Somewhere Far Beyond“.

Intitolata “Somewhere Far Beyond – Revisited“, questa nuova edizione sarà accompagnata da un live album registrato al Rock Hard Festival 2022 e all’Hellfest 2022 dove la band ha suonato il disco per intero.

Ecco la nuova versione di “Ashes To Ashes” estratta dal lavoro:

Disponibile anche la versione live ripresa all’Hellfest 2022:

Pubblicata in precedenza la versione ri-registrata di “Quest For Tanelorn“:

Somewhere Far Beyond – Revisited” è preordinabile a questo indirizzo nei seguenti formati:

– CD standard
– 2CD + Blu-ray digipak
– doppio vinile nero
– doppio vinile blu con cartolina autografata
– doppio vinile azzurro
– digitale

Tracklist e package dell’edizione CD + Blu-ray:

Tracklist CD 1 “The Album”:
01. Time What is Time (Revisited)
02. Journey Through the Dark (Revisited)
03. Black Chamber (Revisited)
04. Theatre of Pain (Revisited)
05. The Quest for Tanelorn (Revisited)
06. Ashes to Ashes (Revisited)
07. The Bard’s Song – In the Forest (Revisited)
08. The Bard’s Song – The Hobbit (Revisited)
09. The Piper’s Calling (Revisited)
10. Somewhere Far Beyond (Revisited)

Tracklist CD 2 “Live At The Rock Hard Festival 2022”:
01. Time What is Time (Live at Rock Hard Festival 2022)
02. Journey Through the Dark (Live at Rock Hard Festival 2022)
03. Black Chamber (Live at Hellfest 2022)
04. Theatre of Pain (Live at Rock Hard Festival 2022)
05. The Quest for Tanelorn (Live at Rock Hard Festival 2022)
06. Ashes to Ashes (Live at Rock Hard Festival 2022)
07. The Bard’s Song – In the Forest (Live at Rock Hard Festival 2022)
08. The Bard’s Song – The Hobbit (Live at Rock Hard Festival 2022)
09. The Piper’s Calling (Live at Rock Hard Festival 2022)
10. Somewhere Far Beyond (Live at Rock Hard Festival 2022)

Tracklist Blu Ray “Live 2022”:
01. Time What is Time (Live at Rock Hard Festival 2022)
02. Journey Through the Dark (Live at Rock Hard Festival 2022)
03. Black Chamber (Live at Rock Hard Festival 2022)
04. Theatre of Pain (Live at Rock Hard Festival 2022)
05. The Quest for Tanelorn (Live at Rock Hard Festival 2022)
06. Ashes to Ashes (Live at Rock Hard Festival 2022)
07. The Bard’s Song – In the Forest (Live at Rock Hard Festival 2022)
08. The Bard’s Song – The Hobbit (Live at Rock Hard Festival 2022)
09. The Piper’s Calling (Live at Rock Hard Festival 2022)
10. Somewhere Far Beyond (Live at Rock Hard Festival 2022)
11. Time What is Time (Live at Hellfest 2022)
12. Journey Through the Dark (Live at Hellfest 2022)
13. Black Chamber (Live at Hellfest 2022)
14. Theatre of Pain (Live at Hellfest 2022)
15. The Quest for Tanelorn (Live at Hellfest 2022)
16. Ashes to Ashes (Live at Hellfest 2022)
17. The Bard’s Song – In the Forest (Live at Hellfest 2022)
18. The Bard’s Song – The Hobbit (Live at Hellfest 2022)
19. The Piper’s Calling (Live at Hellfest 2022)
20. Somewhere Far Beyond (Live at Hellfest 2022)


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