Dani Filth e Paul Allender hanno rilasciato alcune dichiarazioni su “Lovecraft & Witch Hearts” (The Very Best Of Cradle Of Filth) e sull imminente studio album che uscirà per la Sony Music.
Sul Best Of: “I think the thing was that the record company were going to put it together anyway, and it was better if we were involved rather than them just do it in their Judas way. It was better for us to put it together. The first side has got a Best Of from the years we were with Music For Nations, the second side is rare material: remixes, stuff that people probably haven’t got. Stuff that was usually condemned to Japanese versions, so it’s worth having!”
Sul nuovo studio album, “Damnation And A Day”: “A lot of the new material has been tuned down, which will give it a darker edge anyway,” “There’s a lot more material on the new album, there’s 15 tracks. I’d say it’s catchier than anything that we have done before. We’re going over to Prague for a full orchestral set up to add to the album. That in effect will give it a soundtrack edge and coupled with the music has given it a darker feel. It’s more experimental. It is a bit extraordinary, because they sign about three people a year,” continued Filth and Allender. “And of those three people, most of them are pop divas or faddish pop icons, so for Cradle Of Filth to be nestled up with them is a bit of a risk. Because they know that we are going to be as outlandish as possible. But they wouldn’t want to sign us if they wanted to mess with the music. We’re not going to change it just because we are on a major.”
Attualmete i Cradle Of Filth sono in procinto di entrare (si parla di inizio Giugno) nei New Rising Studios a Peldon, studi dove la band registrò “Bitter Suites To Succubi”. La release di “Damnation And A Day” è prevista per il 2003.