Artista: Dark Tranquillity I Evento: Metal For Emergency Festival I Fotografa: Simona Luchini I Data: 5 agosto 2023 I Città: Filago (Bg)
I DARK TRANQUILLITY sono entrati nei Fascination Street Studios di Örebro, in Svezia, per le registrazioni del loro nuovo album. Si attendono ulteriori dettagli.
Ecco un video condiviso dalla band:
It has begun! This week officially marks the start of the recording process for the next D.T. album. Have a quick look at Joakim laying down the rhythm foundation at Fascination Street Studios. Stay tuned for more info!
#darktranquillity #dt2024 #fascinationstreet #centurymedia
— Dark Tranquillity (@dtofficial) October 19, 2023