ENTOMBED: setlist e primi video del concerto esclusivo al Gefle Metal Festival

Pubblicato il 15/07/2022

Ieri sera gli ENTOMBED hanno tenuto l’atteso concerto esclusivo al Gefle Metal Festival a Gefle, Svezia. All’evento, da tempo annunciato, hanno partecipato i chitarristi Alex Hellid e Uffe Cederlund, il batterista Nicke Andersson, il bassista Jörgen Sandström, e vari ospiti fra cui Tomas Lindberg (AT THE GATES), Scott Carlson (REPULSION) e Johnny Hedlund (UNLEASHED). Il gruppo ha anche proposto un paio di cover con Cronos dei VENOM.


Left Hand Path (Jörgen on vocals)
But Life Goes On (with Tomas Lindberg)
Out of Hand (with Tomas Lindberg)
Living Dead (with Tomas Lindberg)
Like This With the Devil (with Tomas Lindberg)
The Truth Beyond (with Tomas Lindberg)
Eyemaster (with Scott Carlson)
Abnormally Deceased (with Scott Carlson)
Serpent Speech (with Scott Carlson)
Black Breath (with Scott Carlson)
Damn Deal Done (with Scott Carlson)
Chief Rebel Angel (with Camela Leierth)
Stranger Aeons (with Camela Leierth)
To Ride, Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth (with Johnny Hedlund)
Revel in Flesh (with Johnny Hedlund)
Wolverine Blues (with Johnny Hedlund)
Supposed to Rot (with Johnny Hedlund)
Night of the Vampire (with Johnny Hedlund)
Bursting Out (Venom cover) (with Cronos)
Countess Bathory (Venom cover) (with Cronos)
Witching Hour (Venom cover) (with Cronos)

Entombed at Gefle Metal Festival 2022 (Gävle, Sweden)

Next summer we will take the stage at Gefle Metal Festival for one exclusive show. It will be quite special. See you there!For tickets and info https://www.geflemetalfestival.se/

Pubblicato da Entombed Clandestine su Giovedì 14 ottobre 2021

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