FILTER: un video per il nuovo singolo “Thoughts and Prayers”

Pubblicato il 18/06/2020

I FILTER hanno pubblicato un video per il nuovo singolo “Thoughts and Prayers“. La canzone è una denuncia contro l’attuale situazione negli Stati Uniti.

the day starts out the same
another day to try and live
took some kids to school today
and I got some blood to give
a young man is a trigger finger
and a sharpened plastic shive
he blocks the exits checks his 15
and stops the will to forgive

just another day in the hate land
just another day in the hate land baby

thoughts and prayers
post and shares
i’m bleeding out of open wounds
another day that no one cares

fake ass bitches in the belt way
are beneath me to begin
cause fake ass bitches in the belt way
love to lie, cheat and steel to win
talks a good game but the rules have changed
they took when they needed to give apathy is a bigger trigger
we gotta flip the middle finger to live

just another day in the hate land
just another day in the hate land baby

thoughts and prayers
post and shares
i’m bleeding out of open wounds
another day that no one cares

look whats happing to us now

they got us right where they want us at each others throats

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