I FUCK THE FACTS hanno annunciato l’itinerario del loro imminente tour europeo. Di seguito le date confermate:
03/11 Bologna, Italy at Freakout
03/12 Maribor, Slovenia at MC Pekama
03/13 Ostrava, Czech Republic at PlanB HC Café
03/14 Budapest, Hungary at Durer Kert
03/15 Bratislava, Slovakia at Fuga
03/16 Čadca, Slovakia at Acafé
03/17 Leipzig, Germany at Zoro
03/18 Prague, Czech Republic at 007 Club
03/19 Berlin, Germany at Linse
03/20 Rostock, Germany at Jaz
03/21 Koln, Germany at Sonic Ballroom
03/22 Leeuwarden, Holland at The Morgue
03/23 Tilburg, Holland at Little Devil
03/24 Arnhem, Holland at Willemeen
03/25 London, UK at The Unicorn
03/26 Leeds, UK at Chunk
03/27 Nottingham, UK at Stuck on a Name Studios
03/28 Bristol, UK at The Red Lion
03/29 Brighton, UK at The Prince Albert
03/30 Lille, France at Midland
03/31 Paris, France at Rendez-Vous
04/01 Trier, Germany at ExHaus
04/02 Rho, Italy at La Fornace (FUCK NSBM FEST)