Sembra interminabile la schiera di musicisti colpiti da questo tremendo male!
Eddie Van Halen ha confermato di essere attualmente in cura per sconfiggere un cancro. Ecco una sua dichiarazione, proveniente dal sito ufficiale:
“I’m sorry for having waited so long to address this issue personally. But, cancer can be a very unique and private matter to deal with. So, I think it’s about time to tell you where I’m at.
I was examined by three oncologists and three head & neck surgeons at Cedars Sinai [Medical Center in Los Angeles] just before spring break and I was told that I’m healthier than ever and beating cancer,” the statement continues. “Although it’s hard to say when, there’s a good chance I will be cancer free in the near future. I just want to thank all of you for your concern and support.”
Ovviamente lo Staff di augura di tutto cuore un in bocca al lupo a Eddie Van Halen.