IRON MAIDEN: aggiornamenti sulla salute di PAUL Di’ANNO
IRON MAIDEN: aggiornamenti sulla salute di PAUL Di’ANNO
Pubblicato il 04/03/2022
In un nuovo video diffuso su Facebook, il Dottor Milan Milosevic parla del programma di cure a cui è sottoposto Paul Di’Anno presso la Poliklinika Ribnjak di Zagabria.
Come precedentemente riportato, l’ex cantante degli IRON MAIDEN sta affrontando un programma di fisioterapia e linfodrenaggio atto migliorare la circolazione degli arti inferiori e contemporaneamente a rinforzare la parte superiore del corpo. I medici contano di rimettere Paul in condizione di stare in piedi entro 15 o 20 giorni.
L’artista dovrà usare un’ortosi esterna in carbonio per supportare la gamba destra in attesa dell’impianto di un’articolazione artificiale del ginocchio. L’operazione al momento infatti non sarebbe possibile a causa della pessima circolazione che Di’Anno ha alla gamba destra, causata da un intervento di sostituzione dell’articolazione effettuato anni fa nel Regno Unito e non andato a buon fine.
L’ortosi esterna permetterà al cantante di camminare, muovere parzialmente ginocchio e caviglia e migliorare ulteriormente la circolazione in attesa dell’operazione. Di’Anno è anche a dieta e dovrà perdere altri 10 chili prima dell’intervento.
Il primo show gratuito, durante il quale conta di esibirsi in piedi con l’uso dell’ortosi, è previsto per il 21 maggio 2022 al Bikers Beer Factory di Zagabria.
Dear friends, please share this video as much as you can!This is the most important and detailed video that talks about Paul Di'Anno's aka Paul Andrews health situation since the beginning of his treatments in Croatia. The top polyclinic Poliklinika Ribnjak – centar za ortopedsku medicinu i sportsku dijagnostiku, where Paul is recovering and receiving the best possible treatments, is doing everything to rise Paul on his feet in next 15 to 20 days and after that he will continue to walk more and more every day. Until his comeback concert in Zagreb, which will take place on May 21, just a day before the big Iron Maiden concert in Zagreb, Paul will be able to stand on his own two feet and be able to come to the BIKERS BEER FACTORY club in Zagreb on his own. In this video, Dr. Milan Milosevic talks in detail about the process of his recovery and the final surgery, which can be done at any time, however, at this moment it would be dangerous for his life and would be a waste of money. As intense as possible walking with a carbon orthosis will result in improved circulation in the leg which will then be ready for artificial knee surgery or so-called an endoprosthesis, which was once implanted in Paul's knee in the UK, but was rejected by his body. We don’t want this to happen again here so Paul has undergone a whole range of treatments, from lymphatic drainage, electrical muscle stimulation, antibiotic therapy, intense exercise, quick weight loss, etc. and soon he will be ready to walk on his own. Paul is a great fighter and his will to live and sing has helped us a lot in this endeavour. Thank you to everyone who has helped in any way so far and who will help in the future, because the story is not over yet. Thank you all very much and you will soon have the opportunity to see many interesting videos of progress and walking.I am immensely grateful to my friend and man of great heart Kastro Pergjoni, who remained modest in all his greatness. I recommend that you go to the club station: and support it by buying merchandise and attending club events.Also, if you have the time and don’t yet know that I’m into writing music biographies, especially those related to the Iron Maiden group, visit and check out a whole host of fantastic books about the band.Once again, thank you all and Paul will be walking soon!
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