PORCUPINE TREE: il live video di “Fear Of A Blank Planet”

Pubblicato il 02/12/2023

Artista: Porcupine Tree | Fotografa: Martina Barbon | Data: 25 giugno 2023 | Venue: Anfiteatro Camerini | Città: Piazzola sul Brenta (PD)


I PORCUPINE TREE pubblicheranno il nuovo live album “Closure/Continuation Live” l’8 dicembre su Music For Nations/Megaforce Records in vari formati: 2CD/2Blu-ray deluxe version, 4 vinili 12″ boxset, Blu-ray/DVD.

Il set è stato registrato il 7 novembre 2022 allo Ziggo Dome di Amsterdam.

Questo il video di “Fear Of A Blank Planet”:

Questo il video di “Harridan“:

Tracklist e artwork:

01. Blackest Eyes
02. Harridan
03. Of the New Day
04. Rats Return
05. Even Less
06. Drown With Me
07. Dignity
08. The Sound Of Muzak
09. Last Chance To Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled
10. Chimera’s Wreck
11. Fear Of A Blank Planet
12. Buying New Soul
13. Walk The Plank
14. Sentimental
15. Herd Culling
16. Anesthetize
17. I Drive The Hearse
18. Sleep Together
19. Collapse the Light Into Earth
20. Halo
21. Trains

Blu-ray/ DVD:

01. Blackest Eyes
02. Harridan
03. Of The New Day
04. Rats Return
05. Even Less
06. Drown With Me
07. Dignity
08. The Sound Of Muzak
09. Last Chance To Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled
10. Chimera’s Wreck
11. Fear of a Blank Planet
12. Buying New Soul
13. Walk The Plank
14. Sentimental
15. Herd Culling
16. Anesthetize
17. I Drive The Hearse
18. Sleep Together
19. Collapse the Light Into Earth
20. Halo
21. Trains

4 x 12″ VINYL:

Side A
01. Blackest Eyes
02. Harridan
03. Of The New Day

Side B
01. Rats Return
02. Even Less
03. Drown With Me

Side C
01. Dignity
02. Sound Of Muzak
03. Last Chance to Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled

Side D
01. Chimera’s Wreck
02. Fear of a Blank Planet

Side E
01. Buying New Soul
02. Walk The Plank
03. Sentimental

Side F
01. Anesthetize

Side G
01. Herd Culling
02. I Drive the Hearse
03. Sleep Together

Side H
01. Collapse the Light Into Earth
02. Halo
03. Trains

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