POWERWOLF: il video del nuovo singolo “No Prayer At Midnight”

Pubblicato il 28/02/2023

Artista: Powerwolf | Fotografo: Filippo De Dionigi | Data: 24 novembre 2022 | Venue: Alcatraz | Città: Milano


I POWERWOLF il 7 aprile 2023 pubblicheranno il nuovo album “Interludium” per Napalm Records. Conterrà sei nuovi pezzi inclusi gli ultimi singoli “Sainted By The Storm” e “My Will Be Done“, altri inediti e brani rari della discografia della band, come “Midnight Madonna” o “Living On A Nightmare”.

Ecco il video del nuovo pezzo “No Prayer At Midnight“:

In alcune versioni limitate di “Interludium” figurerà anche il bonus album “Communio Lupatum II“, con cover di pezzi dei POWERWOLF eseguite da band quali RAGE, ELECTRIC CALLBOY, KORPIKLAANI e altre. Certe versioni conterranno anche un secondo album bonus, intitolato “Interludium Orchestrale“, con le tracce di “Interludium” in versione orchestrale.

Preordini su EMP Mailorder.

Ecco le versioni in cui sarà disponibile “Interludium“:

  • 3 LP Vinyl Transparent / Black in Cardboard Box (1-LP Gatefold + 2 x Bonus Album in Slipcase) with Slipmat – strictly limited to 300 worldwide (Napalm Records Shop exclusive)
  • 3 LP Vinyl Marbled Green / White / Black in Cardboard Box (1-LP Gatefold + 2 x Bonus Album in Slipcase) with Slipmat – strictly limited to 300 worldwide (Powerwolf Shop exclusive)
  • 3 LP Vinyl Marbled Black / Red in Cardboard Box (1-LP Gatefold + 2 x Bonus Album in Slipcase) with Slipmat – strictly limited to 400 worldwide (EMP exclusive)
  • 3 CD Earbook with 96 pages booklet – strictly limited to 1500 worldwide
  • 2 CD Mediabook with 48 pages booklet, incl Communio Lupatum II bundled with ticket for Un Holy Metal Mass in Cologne
  • 2 CD Mediabook with 48 pages booklet, incl Communio Lupatum II with Aluminium Chalice (Capacity: 0,6l, Height: 20cm, Weight: 750g) – strictly limited to 500 worldwide (Napalm Records Shop exclusive)
  • 2 CD Mediabook with 48 pages booklet, incl Communio Lupatum II
  • 1 CD Jewel Case
  • 1 LP Gatefold with poster
  • 2 Music Cassette – strictly limited to 300 worldwide
  • Digital Deluxe Album
  • Digital Album

Tracklist e copertina:


1. Wolves Of War
2. Sainted by the Storm
3. No Prayer At Midnight
4. My Will Be Done
5. Altars On Fire
6. Wolfborn
7. Stronger Than The Sacrament
8. Living On A Nightmare
9. Midnight Madonna
10. Bête du Gévaudan

CD 2 – “Communio Lupatum II”

1. Werewolves Of Armenia (by Wind Rose)
2. Reverent Of Rats (by Mystic Prophecy)
3. Dancing With The Dead (by Annisokay)
4. Call Of The Wild (by Rage)
5. Venom Of Venus (by Ad Infinitum)
6. Sudenmorsian (Where The Wild Wolves Have Gone) (by Korpiklaani)
7. Stossgebet (by Eisbrecher)
8. Fire & Forgive (by Electric Callboy)
9. Armata Strigoi (by Warkings)
10. We Are The Wild (by Lord Of The Lost)
11. Night Of The Werewolves (by Unleash The Archers)

CD 3 – “Interludium Orchestrale”

1. Wolves Of War (orchestral version)
2. Sainted by the Storm (orchestral version)
3. No Prayer At Midnight (orchestral version)
4. My Will Be Done (orchestral version)
5. Altars On Fire (orchestral version)
6. Wolfborn (orchestral version)
7. Midnight Madonna (orchestral version)
8. Bête du Gévaudan (orchestral version)


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