RED FANG: in arrivo la raccolta “Deep Cuts”

Pubblicato il 03/02/2025

Artista: Red Fang | Fotografo: Moira Carola | Data: 24 giugno 2019 | Venue: Carroponte | Città: Milano

Per festeggiare il loro 20mo anniversario, i RED FANG pubblicheranno la raccolta “Deep Cuts” il 14 marzo su Relapse Records.

Questo il lyric video di “It’s Always There“:

Tracklist e artwork:

01 – “Antidote” (from the ‘Red Fang: Headbang!‘ mobile game)
02 – “The Shadows” (from Scion AV Presents – Red Fang)
03 – “Murder The Mountains” (bonus track from “Whales and Leeches” deluxe version)
04 – “Weird Poly” *
05 – “Hollow Light” *
06 – “Over The Edge” (Wipers’ cover)
07 – “Listen To The Sirens” (Tubeway Army cover)
08 – “Stereo Nucleosis” (from the Adult Swim Singles Series)
09 – “Black Hole” (bonus track from “Murder the Mountains” deluxe digital Version)
10 – “Through” (No Talent cover)
11 – “Champ Chugger” **
12 – “Ice Ice Baby” *
13 – “It’s Always There” (bonus track from “Whales and Leeches” deluxe version)
14 – “Black Water” (bonus track from “Whales and Leeches” deluxe version)
15 – “Pawn Everything” (bonus track from “Murder the Mountains” deluxe digital Version)
16 – “Wires” (demo)
17 – “In 5 With Keys” *
18 – “Bad Places” (Played on the band’s first U.S. tour, one of the first ever Red Fang songs)
19 – “Forgot To Write” *
20 – “Endless Sea” (from the “Spelljams” soundtrack)
21 – “Suicide” (Dust cover)
22 – “OMG OMD” *
23 – “LSP” (from “Wires” single)
24 – “50’s Tremors” **
25 – “AGB Fruit” **
26 – “Feeder” (bonus track from “Only Ghosts” deluxe version)

*-Written/recorded during the pandemic lockdowns at the band’s practice space
**- Songs recorded at Aaron’s house “almost certainly while legally high on marijuana”

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