Con ben poco preavviso, la W.T.C. Productions ha pubblicato ieri 11 ottobre il quinto album dei black metaller finlandesi SARGEIST, “Unbound”. Il disco, confezionato dalla nuova line-up a cinque del gruppo, contiene i seguenti brani:
1. Psychosis Incarnate
2. To Wander the Night’s Eternal Path
3. The Bosom of Wisdom and Madness
4. Death’s Empath
5. Hunting Eyes
6. Her Mouth is an Open Grave
7. Unbound
8. Blessing of the Fire-Bearer
9. Wake of the Compassionate
10. Grail of the Pilgrim
SARGEIST lineup 2018:
Profundus – vocals
Shatraug – guitars
VJS – guitars
Abysmal – bass
Gruft – drums