Il chitarrista dei Sinergy nonche’ leader dei Children Of Bodom Alexi Lahio ha diramato un comunicato in cui commenta il licenziamento del bassista Marco Hietala(ora nei Nightwish) e le recenti polemiche scatenatesi in seguito:
“I f.cking hate the internet, but I have to speak out on this Marco situation! This is bullsh.t & it’s none of yer f.cking business what’s happening inside the band. I disagree about [SINERGY frontwoman] Kimberly [Goss] writing the news in such detail, ‘cuz like I said, I think it’s none of yer business, but she does what she wants and I respect her for that. It is not Kimberly or anyone else’s fault about what happened. This sh.t f.ckin’ happens in this business! Yea, things got f.cked up with Marco, but we’re moving on and assholes who like to talk sh.t on different message boards can off!!!!!! Stop blaming Kimberly or Marco, or whoever else and get a f.cking life!!! Leave this for the bands to handle. Is it cool that Kimberly gave the news just to be nice to the fans and now she’s getting sh.t for it? I know the good 99.9% of you understand me, so this is NOT directed towards you. RESPECT TO YA!”