THE GENTLE STORM: i musicisti del prossimo tour

Pubblicato il 03/03/2015

Anneke van Giersbergen sarà in tour con il progetto THE GENTLE STORM, senza Arjen Lucassen, dopo la pubblicazione del debut album “The Diary” il 23 marzo, queste le date:

MAR 26 2015 Melkweg, Amsterdam NL
MAR 28 2015 ROCK ITtervoort Festival, Ittervoort NL
APR 03 2015 Hedon, Zwolle NL
APR 05 2015 Paaspop, Schijndel NL
APR 11 2015 Paard van Troje, Den Haag NL
APR 15 2015 Colos­Saal, Aschaffenburg DE
APR 16 2015 Zentrum Altenberg, Oberhausen DE
APR 22 2015 Divan Du Monde, Paris FR
APR 23 2015 The Garage, London UK
APR 24 2015 The Musician, Leicester UK
APR 25 2015 The Roadhouse, Manchester UK
APR 26 2015 Prog­résiste Convention, Soignies BE
GIU 19 2015 Dokk’em Open Air, Dokkum NL
LUG 09 2015 Masters of Rock, Vizovice CZ
LUG 17 2015 Night of the Prog Festival, Loreley DE
LUG 30-AGO 01 ­2015 Wacken Open Air, Wacken DE

Altre date verranno annunciate a breve.

Questi i musicisti per il tour:
Anneke van Giersbergen vocals
Merel Bechtold (Purest of Pain, MaYaN) guitars
Ferry Duijsens (Anneke van Giersbergen, ex­-Dreadlock Pussy) guitars
Ed Warby (Hail of Bullets, Ayreon, ex-­Gorefest) drums
Johan van Stratum (Stream of Passion) bass
Joost van den Broek (producer, ex-­After Forever) keyboards
Marcela Bovio (Stream of Passion) background vocals

THE GENTLE STORM - Bologna 2015

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