I death metaller olandesi THE MONOLITH DEATHCULT pubblicheranno il nuovo album “The Demon Who Makes Trophies Of Men” il 5 aprile 2024 su Human Detonator Records.
Disponibile da oggi il video della title-track del disco:
1. The Demon Who makes Trophies of Men (6:09)
2. Commanders Encircled with Foes (7:06)
3. Kindertodeslied MMXXIV (6:22)
4. The Nightmare Corpse-city of R’lyeh (4:18)
5. Gogmagog – The Bryansk Forest Re-visited (7:16)
6. Matadorrrr (4:27)
7. Three-Headed Death Machine (4:41)
8. I Spew Thee out of my Mouth MMXXIII (8:24)