I Death metallers Svedsi Throneaeon hanno interroto la loro collaborazione con la Hammerheart Records accusandola di non aver adeguatamente promosso l’ultimo album della band “Neither Of Gods”:
“Since our co-operation with Hammerheart Records hasn’t been satisfactory we have come to an agreement where we will no longer be working together,” the band announced in a recent email newsletter. “We’ve been negotiating with a couple of interested labels and we’ll soon be able to announce through which label the next full-length album will be released. However, we would like to point out that the current situation gives us 100 percent control over what happens in the future, so if you feel you have something to offer or would like to be in co-operation with the band in any matter, feel free to contact us!”
La band inoltre ha recentemente registrato la cover di “The Lion’s Den” dei Morbid Angel per un tributo che verra’ pubblicato dalla Hellspawn Records.