- :nodfyr:
- ¡pendejo!
- …and Oceans
- …and You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
- ’68
- ’77
- ‘ndranghestan
- (0)
- (a)toll
- (damn) This Desert Air
- (dolch)
- (echo)
- (hed) P.e.
- [soon]
- *shels
- /speedkill/hate
- /speedkill/hate
- <0>>0<
- $othi$
- À RÉpit
- Äera
- ÄnglagÅrd
- Årabrot
- ÁrstÍÐir LÍfsins
- Ænigmatum
- Æolian
- Æra
- Æther Realm
- Ævangelist
- ÓreiĐa
- Örmagna
- Øjne
- Úlfarr
- 0’kills
- 039
- 0k(ill)’s
- 0k(ill)’s
- 10 Fold B-low
- 10 Years
- 108
- 11 As In Adversaries
- 1349
- 13th Draft
- 14 Steps Down
- 1476
- 156/silence
- 16
- 17 Crash
- 1782
- 1914
- 1ne Day
- 200 Stab Wounds
- 20th Century Boys
- 21 Grams
- 21 Lucifers
- 220 Volt
- 2econd Lass
- 3
- 3 Doors Down
- 3 Dreams Never Dreamt
- 3 Inches Of Blood
- 3 Years Hollow
- 30 Seconds To Mars
- 324
- 35007
- 36 Crazyfists
- 36 Stanze
- 3rd Secret
- 3rd War Collapse
- 3teeth
- 40 Ft. Ringo
- 40 Grit
- 40 Watt Sun
- 400 Colpi
- 49 HydrÖgen Device
- 4th Dimension
- 5 Star Grave
- 5rand
- 5th Man Down
- 6008 Days
- 65daysofstatic
- 6th Counted Murder
- 7 Horns 7 Eyes
- 7 Months
- 7 Seconds
- 7 Year Bitch
- 707
- 777 Babalon
- 7days
- 7th Nemesis
- 7th Nemesis / Punishment
- 8 Kalacas
- 8-is
- 81 Db
- 8fulstrike
- 8th Sin
- A Better Tomorrow
- A Buried Existence
- A Canorous Quintet
- A Cold Dead Body
- A Crime Called
- A Cunning Man
- A Day To Remember
- A Dead Poem
- A Dying Planet
- A Faded Glory
- A Forest
- A Forest Mighty Black
- A Forest Of Stars
- A Girl A Gun A Ghost
- A Kid Hereafter In The Grinding Light
- A Killer’s Confession
- A Life Divided
- A Life Once Lost
- A Love Ends Suicide
- A New Revenge
- A New Tomorrow
- A Pale December
- A Pale Horse Named Death
- A Perfect Circle
- A Perfect Day
- A Perfect Murder
- A Place To Bury Strangers
- A Plea For Purging
- A Pregnant Light
- A Shroud Cast Over
- A Storm Of Light
- A Swarm Of The Sun
- A Taste Of Fear
- A Taste Of Fear
- A Tear Beyond
- A Testa Bassa
- A Theory Of Justice
- A Traitor Like Judas
- A Vintage Death
- A Wilhelm Scream
- A World Without
- A-z
- A. F. I.
- A.c.t
- A.m.e.n.
- A.m.s.g.
- A.r.m.a.
- A18
- A2athot
- Aara
- Aardvark
- Aaron’s Agony
- Aasar
- Aathma
- Aavv
- Abadden
- Abaddon Incarnate
- Abandon All Ships
- Abaton
- Abattoir
- Abbas Taeter
- Abbath
- Abbinormal
- Abdicate
- Abduction
- Abel Is Dying
- Aberration
- Aberrator
- Aberrazione
- Abest
- Abeyance
- Abgott
- Abhomine
- Abhor
- Abhorration
- Abhorrence
- Abhorrent
- Abhorrent Decimation
- Abigail
- Abigail Williams
- Abigor
- Abime
- Abiotic
- Abkehr
- Ablaze In Hatred
- Ablaze My Sorrow
- Abnormal Thought Patterns
- Abnormality
- Abolish
- Abolition Ritual
- Abominable Putridity
- Abomination
- Abominator
- Aborted
- Aborted Fetus
- Abortion
- Aborym
- Above Aurora
- Above Symmetry
- Abraham
- Abramakabra
- Abraxas
- Abrogation
- Abscendent
- Abscess
- Absence Of Despair
- Absent In Body
- Absentia Lunae
- Absinthium
- Abske Fides
- Absolute Power
- Absolute Priority
- Absolute Steel
- Absolva
- Abstract Spirit
- Abstracter
- Abstrakt Algebra
- Absu
- Absurd
- Absurd Universe
- Absurdity
- Absynth Aura
- Abuser
- Abysmal Dawn
- Abysmal Dimensions
- Abysmal Grief
- Abysmal Lord
- Abysmal Torment
- Abysmalia
- Abysme
- Abyss
- Abyss (ca)
- Abyss Of Pain
- Abyssal
- Abyssal Rift
- Abyssian
- Abyssic
- Abyssion
- Abyssmal Sorrow
- Abysso
- Abyssos
- Abyssphere
- Abythic
- Ac Angry
- Ac/dc
- Acacia
- AcÂrash
- Acathexis
- Acausal Intrusion
- Accabbadora
- Accept
- Accuser
- Accvsed
- Ace Frehley
- Acephalix
- Acephalix
- Acerus
- Achelous
- Acheode
- Achernar
- Acheron
- Acherontas
- Achren
- Acid Bath
- Acid Death
- Acid Drinkers
- Acid Force
- Acid King
- Acid Mammoth
- Acid Ocean
- Acid Reign
- Acid Revenant
- Acid Tree
- Acid Witch
- Aclla
- Acod
- Acolyte
- Acrania
- Acranius
- Acrassicauda
- Acrimonious
- Acrosome
- Across The Sun
- Across The Swarm
- Across Tundras
- Acrylate
- Act Noir
- Act Of Defiance
- Act Of Denial
- Act Of Departure
- Act Of Gods
- Act Of Impalement
- Action
- Action Action
- Acts Of Tragedy
- Acxdc
- Ad Finem Omnia
- Ad Hominem
- Ad Inferna
- Ad Infinitum
- Ad Nauseam
- Ad Noctem Funeriis
- Ad Omega
- Ad Patres
- Ad Plenitatem Lunae
- Ad Sidera
- Ad Vitam
- Ad Vitam Aeternam
- Adaestuo
- Adagio
- Adaliah
- Adam Bomb
- Adam Kills Eve
- Adam West
- Adamanter
- Adamantis
- Adamantis Guitar Orchestra
- Adamas
- Adamus Exul
- Addaura
- Addicted To Pain
- Addiction
- Addiction Crew
- Addiction For Destruction
- Ade
- Adema
- Adept
- Aderlating
- Adimiron
- Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell
- Adom
- Adorior
- Adorned Brood
- Adragard
- Adramelch
- Adramelech
- Adrenaline
- Adrenaline Factor
- Adrenaline Mob
- Adrenaline Rush
- Aduanten
- Adveniat Hiems
- Advent
- Adversam
- Adversarial
- Adversor
- Adversvm
- Adx
- Adytum
- Aeba
- Aedy
- Aeges
- Aegrus
- Aeir
- Aemaet
- Aenaon
- Aenimus
- Aeon
- Aeon Gods
- Aeon Of Horus
- Aeon Winds
- Aeon Zen
- Aeonblack
- Aeons
- Aeons In Torment
- Aerial Ruin
- Aerialis
- Aerosmith
- Aes Dana
- Aesma Daeva
- Aesthus
- Aeternal Seprium
- Aeternam
- Aeternitas
- Aeternus
- Aether Void
- Aetherian
- Aethernaeum
- Aethyrick
- Aeveron
- Aeviterne
- Aevum
- Aexylium
- Af
- Afasia
- Affector
- Afflicted
- Affliction Gate
- Affliction Vector
- Afgrund
- Afire
- Afraid Of Destiny
- Afsky
- After All
- After Forever
- After Infinity
- After Lapse
- After Moat
- After The Burial
- Afterbirth
- Afterlife Symphony
- Aftersmoke
- Aftersundown
- Agabus
- Agahareth
- Against Me!
- Against The Flood
- Against The Plagues
- Againstorm
- Agalloch
- Agamendon
- Aganoor
- Agarthic
- Agathocles
- Agathodaimon
- Age Of Nemesis
- Age Of Ruin
- Age Of Taurus
- Age Of The Wolf
- Age Of Woe
- Ageless Oblivion
- Ageless Summoning
- Agenda Of Swine
- Agent Fresco
- Agent Steel
- Agents Of Man
- Agghiastru
- Aggression
- Aghora
- Agiel
- Agnes Vein
- Agnostic Front
- Agonica
- Agony
- Agony Face
- Agony Flames
- Agoraphobic Nosebleed
- Agressor
- Agrimonia
- Agro
- Agruss
- Agrypnie
- Agua De Annique
- Ahab
- Ahamkara
- Ahnengrab
- Aiazzi/maroccolo
- Aidan
- Aiming For Enrike
- Aina
- Ainsoph
- Ainu
- Ainur
- Ainzamkait
- Air Raid
- Airbag
- Airborn
- Airbourne
- Airforce
- Airged L’amh
- Airless
- Airlines Of Terror
- Airspeed
- Airtime
- Airway
- Aisling
- Aita
- Aiwaz
- Ajattara
- Akani
- Akarusa Yami
- Akatechism
- Akercocke
- Akhlys
- Akiavel
- Akira Kajiyama + Joe Lynn Turner
- Akphaezya
- Akrea
- Akrotheism
- Akurion
- Al
- Al Ard
- Al Kooper
- Alabama Thunderpussy
- Alan Morse
- Alaric
- Alarum
- Alaskan
- Alazka
- Alba Caduca
- Alberta Cross
- Alberto Rigoni
- Albez Duz
- Alcatraz
- Alcatrazz
- Alcest
- Alchemist
- Alchemy
- Alchemy Of Flesh
- Alchemy Room
- Alchemyst
- Alchimia
- Alcoa
- Alcoholika La Christo
- Alcyona
- Alcyona Sky
- Alda
- Aldaria
- Aldebaran
- Aleah
- Alec Empire
- Aleph
- Alesana
- Alestorm
- Alex Beyrodt
- Alex Cambise
- Alex Masi
- Alexander Paul Blake
- Alexisonfire
- Alfa Nefer
- Alfahanne
- Alfonso Corace
- Algaion
- Algebra
- Alghazanth
- Algol
- Algos
- Alice Cooper
- Alice In Chains
- Alien Ant Farm
- Alien Syndrome 777
- Alien Weaponry
- Alienacja
- Alienist
- Alight
- Alithia
- Alkaline Trio
- Alkaloid
- Alkemy
- Alkemyst
- Alkerdeel
- Alkoholizer
- Alkonost
- Alkymist
- All 4 1
- All Boro Kings
- All But One
- All Coasted
- All Ends
- All Falls Down
- All For Metal
- All For Nothing
- All Good Things
- All Hail The Yeti
- All Hell
- All My Faith Lost…
- All My Shadows
- All Out War
- All Pigs Must Die
- All Shall Perish
- All That Remains
- All Them Witches
- All Time Low
- All Too Human
- Alldead
- Allegaeon
- Allen – Lande
- Allen/olzon
- Alleviate
- Allhelluja
- Allone
- Allt
- Alltheniko
- Alluvial
- Almacridaem
- Almah
- Almanac
- Almost
- Almost Dead
- Alms Of The Giant
- Alpha & Omega
- Alpha Legion
- Alpha Tiger
- Alpha Wolf
- Alpinist
- Alquimia
- Alraune
- Altaar
- Altair
- Altar Of Oblivion
- Altar Of Oblivion
- Altar Of Perversion
- Altar Of Plagues
- Altar Of Sin
- Altar Ov Asteria
- Altarage
- Altari
- Altaria
- Altars
- Altars Ablaze
- Altars Of Grief
- Alter Bridge
- Alterbeast
- Altered Dead
- Alteria
- Alterium
- Alternative 4
- Althea
- Altitudes & Attitude
- Aluk Todolo
- Alyosha
- Alyson Avenue
- Alzamantes
- Am I Blood
- Am’ganesha’n
- Amagortis
- Amahiru
- Amalekim
- Amanda Palmer
- Amantyde
- Amaran
- Amaranthe
- Amarna Reign
- Amarok
- Amaseffer
- Amassado
- Amaze Knight
- Ambassador Gun
- Ambeon
- Amber
- Amber Skies
- Amber Tears
- Amberian Dawn
- Ambition
- Ambitions
- Ambush
- Amebix
- Amen
- Amenra
- American
- American Dog
- American Head Charge
- American Heartbreak
- American Heritage
- American War Machine
- Amesoeurs
- Amestigon
- Amethista
- Amia Venera Landscape
- Ammit
- Amnesia
- Amniotic Count
- Amok
- Amon
- Amon Amarth
- Among Gods
- Amongst The Deceit
- Amoral
- Amorphead
- Amorphis
- Amouth
- Amphisbaena
- Amphitrium
- Amplifier
- Amputated
- Amputator
- Amputory
- Amraam
- Amthrya
- Amulet
- An Autumn For Crippled Children
- An Isolated Mind
- An Ocean Between Us
- An-xul
- Anaal Nathrakh
- Anachitis
- Anachronism
- Anacondas
- Anacondia
- Anacrusis
- Anal Blasphemy
- Anal Cunt
- Anal Phobia
- Anal Vomit
- Analepsy
- Anam Cara
- Anamnesi
- Anarchy-x
- Anarkhon
- Anata
- Anathema
- Anatomia
- Anatomical Amusements
- Anatomy Of Habit
- Anatomy Of I
- Ancalagon
- Ancestors
- Ancestral
- Ancestral Stigmata
- Anchor
- Ancient
- Ancient Ascendant
- Ancient Bards
- Ancient Ceremony
- Ancient Crypts
- Ancient Death
- Ancient Dome
- Ancient Empire
- Ancient Existence
- Ancient Knights
- Ancient Malignity
- Ancient North
- Ancient Oak Consort
- Ancient Rites
- Ancient Settlers
- Ancient Vvisdom
- Ancient Wisdom
- Anciients
- Ancillotti
- Ancst
- And Harmony Dies
- And Hell Followed With
- And So I Watch You From Afar
- Andavald
- Andersen Laine Readman
- Anderson/stolt
- Anderwelt
- Andi Deris And The Bad Bankers
- Andralls
- Andras
- Andre Matos
- Andre’ Andersen
- Andrea Ianni
- Andrea Resta
- Andrea Torretta
- Andrew Black
- Andrew Liles
- Andrew Stockdale
- Andrew W.k.
- Andrew W.k.
- Andromeda
- Andy Martongelli
- Anema
- Anemnesi
- Anette Olzon
- Aneurysm
- Anewrage
- Angantyr
- Angarthal
- Angband
- Angel
- Angel Blake
- Angel City Outcasts
- Angel Crew
- Angel Death
- Angel Dust
- Angel House
- Angel Martyr
- Angel Nation
- Angel Of Anger
- Angel Of Damnation
- Angel Of Eden
- Angel Sword
- Angel Witch
- Angel’s Last Breath
- Angelcorpse
- Angeli Di Pietra
- Angelica
- Angelize
- Angellore
- Angelmaker
- Angels And Demons
- Angels Grace
- Angels Of Babylon
- Angels Rejection
- Angelus Apatrida
- Angelwings
- Anger At Dusk
- Angerdome
- Angers Curse
- Angmodnes
- Angra
- Angry Rooster
- Angst Skvadron
- AngstskrÍg
- Angtoria
- Anguish
- Anguish (swe)
- Anguish Force
- Angus Mcsix
- Angusta Taurinorum
- Anhedonist
- Anilo Projekt
- Anima
- Anima (ita)
- Anima Naive
- Animae Vector
- Animal Drive
- Animal House
- Animals As Leaders
- Animo Aeger
- Animosity
- Animus Herilis
- Animus Mortis
- Ankh
- Ankor
- Anmod
- Anna Von Hausswolff
- Anneke Van Giersbergen
- Annihilationmancer
- Annihilator
- Annisokay
- Anno Mundi
- Annotations Of An Autopsy
- Anomalie
- Anomally
- Anomalous
- Anonima Disastri
- Anonymus
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Another Day Dawns
- Another Destiny Project
- Another Life
- Another Open Road
- Another Perfect Day
- Anotherside
- Anoxia
- Ansur
- Antaeus
- Antagonism
- Antagonist
- Antagonist A.d.
- Antagoniste
- Antalgia
- Antares Predator
- Antarktis
- Ante-inferno
- Antediluvian
- Anterior
- Anthea
- Anthelion
- Anthem
- Anthem 37
- Anthems Of Steel
- Anthenora
- Anthologies
- Anthrax
- Anthropophagus Depravity
- Anthyma
- Anti-flag
- Anti-mortem
- Antichrist
- Antichrist (perÙ)
- Antichrist Siege Machine
- Anticlockwise
- Anticreation
- Antifear
- Antigama
- Antimateria
- Antimatter
- Antinomia
- Antinomy
- Antioch
- Antiphrasis
- Antiproduct
- Antiquus
- Antiqva
- Antiversum
- Antlers
- Antonello Giliberto
- Antonello Sassone
- Antonio Pantano
- Antonius Rex
- Antropofagus
- Antropomorfia
- Antropomorphia
- Antrum
- Anubis Gate
- Anuseye
- Anvil
- Anvil Of Doom
- Anvil Therapy
- Any Face
- Any Given Day
- Aodon
- Aor
- Aoratos
- Aorlhac
- Aortes
- Aortha
- Aosoth
- Apartment 213
- Apartment26
- Ape Unit
- Apeiron
- Apep
- Aphelion
- Aphelium Aeternum
- Aphonic Threnody
- Aphotic
- Aphrodite
- Apiary
- Apnea
- Apocalypse
- Apocalypse Now
- Apocalyptica
- Apocalytpic Salvation
- Apochryphal Revelation
- Apocryphal
- Apogean
- Apokryphon
- Apollyon Sun
- Apologoethia
- Apolokia
- Apophys
- Aposento
- Aposepsy
- Apostasy
- Aposthate
- Apostle Of Solitude
- Apostolica
- Apostolum
- Apothecary
- Apotheus
- Apparition
- Appearance Of Nothing
- Appice
- Applaud The Impaler
- Apprentice Destroyer
- Apraxia
- April Art
- Aptorian Demon
- Aquaria
- Aquefrigide
- Aquilon
- Aquilus
- Aqvilea
- Ara
- Ara Solis
- Arachnes
- Aracnofobia
- Arallu
- Aran Angmar
- Arca Hadian
- Arca Progjet
- Arcada
- Arcadia
- Arcana 13
- Arcana Coelestia
- Arcana Opera
- Arcana X X I I
- Arcandia
- Arcane Tales
- Arcanum Inferi
- Arcanum Sanctum
- Arcanum Xii
- Arceye
- Arch Enemy
- Arch/matheos
- Archaic
- Archangel
- Archangel (dk)
- Archgoat
- Architects
- Architects Of Chaoz
- Archivist
- Archon Angel
- Archspire
- Archvile King
- Arckanum
- Arctic Flame
- Arctic Monkeys
- Arctic Plateau
- Arctic Void
- Arctis
- Arctos
- Arcturon
- Arcturus
- Arde
- Ardeat
- Ardityon
- Ardours
- Arduini / Balich
- ArÐ
- Are Those Your Friends
- Arena
- Ares Kingdom
- Argar
- Argenthorns
- Argesh
- Arghoslent
- Argile
- Argonauts
- Argus
- Arhythmia
- Arida Vortex
- Aries Descendant
- Arion
- Arise
- Arise And Ruin
- Arizmenda
- Arjen Anthony Lucassen
- Ark
- Ark Of The Covenant
- Arka’n Asrafokor
- Arkadia
- Arkaea
- Arkaik
- Arkan
- Arkana Code
- Arkangel
- Arkayic Revolt
- Arkenemy
- Arkheth
- Arkhon Infaustus
- Arkona
- Arkona (pol)
- Arktika
- Arma Gathas
- Armada
- Armagedda
- Armageddon
- Armaggedon
- Armagh
- Armed For Apocalypse
- Armored Dawn
- Armored Saint
- Armory
- Arms Like Anchors
- Arms Of The Sun
- Arna
- Arottenbit
- Arpia
- Arrayan Path
- Arrival Of Autumn
- Ars Amandi
- Ars Diavoli
- Ars Goetia
- Ars Manifestia
- Ars Onirica
- Arsames
- Arsea
- Arsebreed
- Arsgoatia
- Arsis
- Arson Anthem
- Arsonists Get All The Girls
- Art Of Anarchy
- Art Of Attrition
- Art Of Burning Water
- Art Of Drone
- Art Of Silence
- Art Of Simplicity
- Art X
- Artaban’s Redemption
- Artaius
- Artas
- Artefact
- Artension
- Arthemis
- Arthur Brown’s Kingdom Come
- Articulus
- Artificial Brain
- Artificial Heaven
- Artificial Wish
- Artillery
- Artisian
- Artizan
- Artlantica
- Arvas
- Arven
- Arvind
- Arwen
- As Blood Runs Black
- As Eden Burns
- As Hell Retreats
- As Hope Dies
- As I Lay Dying
- As It Burns
- As It Is
- As Light Dies
- As Likely As Not
- As Lions
- As Mercy Comes
- As Ocean Collapse
- As The Monster Becomes
- As The Sun
- As The World Dies
- As They Burn
- As They Sleep
- As We Draw
- As We Fight
- As We Stray
- As You Drown
- Asagraum
- Asaru
- Ascended Dead
- Ascendency
- Ascension
- Ascension (uk)
- Ascension Of The Watchers
- Ascia
- Asenblut
- Aseptic White Age
- Ases
- Asesino
- Aset
- Asg
- Asgard
- Asgard (tn)
- Asgaroth
- Ash Borer
- Ash Prison
- Ashba
- Ashbringer
- Ashbury
- Ashcloud
- Ashcorn
- Ashema
- Ashen Fields
- Ashen Tomb
- Ashenspire
- Ashent
- Ashes Of Ares
- Ashes Of Chaos
- Ashes To Ashes
- Ashes You Leave
- Ashlands
- Ashtar
- Ashura
- Asia
- Asinhell
- Aska
- Askesis
- Asking Alexandria
- Askysoblack
- Asmegin
- Asmodeus
- Asofy
- Asomvel
- Aspasia
- Aspera
- Asperity
- Asphalt Graves
- Asphodelia
- Asphodelus
- Asphyx
- Asrai
- Assassin
- Assaulter
- Assedium
- Assemble The Chariots
- Assignment
- Assuck
- Assumption
- Ast
- Astaarth
- Astaroth
- Astaroth (ita)
- Astarte
- Astarte Syriaca
- Asterius
- Astra
- Astrakhan
- Astral Deliverance
- Astral Dive
- Astral Domine
- Astral Doors
- Astral Fortress
- Astral Paralysis
- Astral Path
- Astral Sleep
- Astral Tomb
- Astralborne
- Astraline
- Astralium
- Astras
- Astriaal
- Astriferous
- Astronoid
- Astronomica
- Astrosaur
- Asva
- Asylum Pyre
- Asymmetric Universe
- Asystole
- At All Cost
- At The Altar Of The Horned God
- At The Dawn
- At The Drive In
- At The Gates
- At The Skylines
- At The Soundawn
- At Vance
- At War
- Atakhama
- Ataraxie
- Ataraxy
- Atargatis
- Atari Teenage Riot
- Atavicus
- Atavisma
- Atavist
- Atemporal
- Ater
- Athalay
- Athanasia
- Athanatheos
- Athanor
- Atheist
- Athem
- Athena
- Athlantis
- Athorn
- Athrox
- Atlantean Kodex
- Atlantic Tides
- Atlantis
- Atlantis Chronicles
- Atlas
- Atlas Pain
- Atoj
- Atom Made Earth
- Atom Made Earth
- Atoma
- Atomic Blast
- Atomic Life
- Atomizer
- Atomkraft
- Atomwinter
- Atonement
- Atrament
- Atramentus
- AtrÆ Bilis
- Atreides
- Atreyu
- Atriarch
- Atritas
- Atrocious Abnormality
- Atrocity
- Atrophia Red Sun
- Atrophy
- Atrophy
- Atrox
- Attack Attack!
- Attacker
- Attic
- Attic (de)
- Attick Demons
- Attika
- Attila
- Atto Iv
- Atwood
- Au Champ Des Morts
- Auberon
- Audiokarate
- Audioslave
- Audiotopsy
- Audiovision
- Audrey
- Audrey Horne
- AuÐn
- Augrimmer
- Augurs
- Augury
- August Burns Red
- Aum
- Aura
- Aura Noir
- Aurea
- Aurea Sectio
- Aureole
- Auri
- Auriferous Flame
- Auroch
- Aurora
- Aurora Borealis
- Aurvandil
- Aus Der Transzendenz
- Austere
- Australasia
- Austrian Death Machine
- Autarkh
- Author & Punisher
- Autograph
- Autophagy
- Autopsia
- Autopsy
- Autumn
- Autumn Hour
- Autumn’s Dawn
- Autumnal
- Autumnblaze
- Autumnia
- Autumns Eyes
- Ava Inferi
- Avalanch
- Avaland
- Avalon
- Avandra
- Avant-gardener
- Avantasia
- Avatar
- Avatarium
- Avelion
- Avenged Sevenfold
- Avenue Of Heroes
- Avenuelie
- Avernus
- Averse Sefira
- Aversio Humanitatis
- Aversions Crown
- Avichi
- Avkrvst
- Avmakt
- Avralize
- AvskrÄde
- Avsky
- Avslut
- Avtotheism
- Avulsed
- Avvocati Del Diavolo
- Awake
- Awake For Days
- Awake The Dreamer
- Awake The Sun
- Awaken Demons
- Awakening Sun
- Awe
- Awesome Machine
- Awoken
- Awol
- Axegressor
- Axel Rudi Pell
- Axemaster
- Axenstar
- Axetasy
- Axevyper
- Axewound
- Axia
- Axiom
- Axioma
- Axis Of Advance
- Axis Of Despair
- Axxis
- Ayat
- Aydra
- Ayr
- Ayreon
- Ays
- Ayyur
- Azaghal
- Azarath
- Azathoth
- Azazel
- Azooma
- Azothyst
- Azrael
- Azrath 11
- Azrath-11
- Aztec Jade
- Azure Agony
- Azure Emote
- Azure Emote
- Azusa
- Azziard
- B-blast
- B.impatient
- Ba’al
- Baby Ruth
- Babylon A.d.
- Babymetal
- Bacchus
- Bacchus (fr)
- Backfire!
- Backjumper
- Backtrack
- Backtrack
- Backyard Babies
- Backyard Mortuary
- Bad Bones
- Bad Brains
- Bad Dog Boogie
- Bad Gilbert
- Bad Habit
- Bad Memories
- Bad Omens
- Bad Religion
- Bad Weather Project
- Bad Wolves
- Badflower
- Badmash
- Badmotorfinger
- Baest
- Baht
- Bailey
- Bal Sagoth
- Balaclava
- Balance Of Power
- Balatonizer
- Balefire
- Balletto Di Bronzo
- Ballistic
- Balmog
- Balrog
- Balrog (ita)
- Banana Mayor
- Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso
- Band Of Horses
- Band Of Skulls
- Band Of Spice
- Band-maid
- Bane
- Bang Bangalow
- Bang Tango
- Banned From Hell
- Bantoriak
- Baphomet
- Baphomet’s Blood
- Baptism
- Baptists
- Baptized In Blood
- Barathrum
- Baratro
- Barbarian
- Barbarian Swords
- Barbaric Howler
- Barbarossa
- Barbatos
- Barbelith
- Barcode
- Bardspec
- Bare Infinity
- Barghest
- Baring Teeth
- Barishi
- Barn Burner
- Barnumfreakshow
- Baron
- Baroness
- Barren Canyon
- Barren Earth
- Barren Womb
- Barrens
- Barshasketh
- BarÚs
- Basement Torture Killings
- Bask
- Bassinvaders
- Bast
- Bastard Feast
- Bastard Grave
- Bastard Noise
- Bastard Priest
- Bastard Saints
- Bastardane
- Bastardogs
- BastarÐur
- Bastian
- Bat
- Bathory
- Bathsheba
- Batillus
- Battalion
- Battered
- Battery
- Battle Beast
- Battle Born
- Battle Dagorath
- Battle Dagorath
- Battle Path
- Battle Ram
- Battleaxe
- Battlecross
- Battlegrave
- Battlelore
- Battleroar
- Battles
- Battlesword
- Batushka
- Batushka Di Bartłomiej Krysiuk
- Batushka Di Krzysztof Drabikowski
- Bauda
- Baxaxaxa
- Bayside
- Be The Wolf
- Be’lakor
- Beansidhe
- Beardfish
- Beartooth
- Bearwood
- Beast In Black
- Beast Of Revelation
- Beastcraft
- Beastmaker
- Beastmilk
- Beatallica
- Beaten Back To Pure
- Beaten To Death
- Beatrik
- Beatrix Boulevard
- Beatsteaks
- Beautiful Creatures
- Beautiful Sin
- Beauvoir Jean
- Becerus
- Becoming The Archetype
- Bed Toys
- Bedemon
- Bedlight For Blue Eyes
- Bedouin Temple
- Bedsore
- Bedtime For Charlie
- Beecher
- Beelzeb
- Beerzerker
- Before The Dawn
- Before The Fall
- Before The Rain
- Before Today Collapses
- Beheaded
- Beheaded Zombie
- Behemoth
- Beherit
- Behexen
- Behind Chaos
- Behold The Arctopus
- Behold! The Monolith
- Beholder
- Beholder (can)
- Beholder (uk)
- Being As An Ocean
- Beissert
- Bejelit
- BekËth NexËhmÜ
- Bekor Qilish
- Belenos
- Believe
- Believer
- Bell
- Bell Witch
- Belladonna
- Bellathrix
- Bellgrave
- Bellum
- Belore
- Below
- Below The Sun
- Belphegor
- Beltez
- Belzebong
- Belzebubs
- Benea Reach
- Beneath
- Beneath Still Water
- Beneath The Massacre
- Beneath The Sky
- Beneath The Storm
- Benediction
- Benedictum
- Bengala Folk Noir Ensemble
- Benighted
- Benighted In Sodom
- Benighted Soul
- Benothing
- Bent Knee
- Bent Sea
- Benthos
- Bergraven
- Beriedir
- Berith’s Legion
- Bernie Marsden
- Bernth
- Berri Txarrak
- Berserk
- Berserker
- Berzerker Legion
- Besatt
- Beseech
- Besieged
- Besta
- Bestial Devastation
- Bestial Mockery
- Bestial Raids
- Bestial Warlust
- Bestianera
- Bethlehem
- Betoken
- Betontod
- Betrayal
- Betrayed
- Betrayers
- Betraying The Martyrs
- Better Lovers
- Betty Poison
- Between The Buried And Me
- Between The Killings
- Between Us
- Between Worlds
- Betzefer
- Beverly Killz
- Bewitched
- Bewitcher
- Beyon-d-lusion
- Beyond
- Beyond (de)
- Beyond Creation
- Beyond Dawn
- Beyond Description
- Beyond Fear
- Beyond Grace
- Beyond Mortal Dreams
- Beyond Murder
- Beyond Salvation
- Beyond Surface
- Beyond Terror Beyond Grace
- Beyond The Black
- Beyond The Dark
- Beyond The Fallen
- Beyond The Sixth Seal
- Beyond The Void
- Beyond Twilight
- Beyondition
- Bhagavat
- Bhleg
- Bias
- Bible Black
- Bible Black Tyrant
- Bible Of The Devil
- Bicoloured Men
- Bid Zogo
- Biesy
- Biff Byford
- Biffy Clyro
- Bifröst
- Big Big Train
- Big Brave
- Big Business
- Big Cheese
- Big Clyde
- Big Guns
- Big Ones
- Big Paul Ferguson
- Big Scenic Nowhere
- Bigelf
- Bigfoot
- Biglietto Per L’inferno
- Bigrough
- Billy Idol
- Billy Sheehan
- Billy Talent
- Billybio
- Bilocate
- Bilskirnir
- Bilwis
- Binah
- Binary System Wins
- Biohazard
- Biomechanical
- Bioscrape
- Biosystem 55
- Bipolar Architecture
- Bipolar Disorder
- Birdflesh
- Birds In Row
- Birds Of Prey
- Birth Of Depravity
- Birushanah
- Bison B.c.
- Biss
- Bitter End
- Bitterness
- Bizar Bazar
- Bizarrekult
- BjØrkØ
- Bl’ast!
- Black Abyss
- Black Altar
- Black Altar
- Black Anvil
- Black Bone
- Black Boned Angel
- Black Breath
- Black Cab
- Black Capricorn
- Black Cilice
- Black Cobra
- Black Comedy
- Black Country Communion
- Black Crown Initiate
- Black Curse
- Black Dawn
- Black Death
- Black Death Cult
- Black Deep White
- Black Diamond
- Black Earth
- Black Elephant
- Black Eye Riot
- Black Faida
- Black Faith
- Black Fate
- Black Flag
- Black Flame
- Black Fucking Cancer
- Black Funeral
- Black Hate
- Black Haven
- Black Hill
- Black Hole
- Black Hole (fr)
- Black Hole Deity
- Black Hole Generator
- Black Holocaust
- Black Ink
- Black Inside
- Black Knight Symfonia
- Black Label Society
- Black Light Burns
- Black Magick Ss
- Black Magnet
- Black Majesty
- Black Map
- Black Mass
- Black Mass (us)
- Black Messiah
- Black Monolith
- Black Motel Six
- Black Moth
- Black Mountain
- Black My Heart
- Black Oath
- Black Oceans
- Black Orchestra
- Black Phantom
- Black Propaganda
- Black Pyramid
- Black Queen
- Black Rage
- Black Rain
- Black Rainbows
- Black Raptus
- Black Reign
- Black River
- Black Royal
- Black Sabbath
- Black Salvation
- Black Sand
- Black September
- Black Sheep Wall
- Black Sites
- Black Skyline
- Black Sorcery
- Black Soul Horde
- Black Space Riders
- Black Spell
- Black Spiders
- Black Spirituals
- Black Star Riders
- Black Steam
- Black Steel
- Black Stone Cherry
- Black Sun Aeon
- Black Swan
- Black Symphony
- Black Temple
- Black Temple Below
- Black Therapy
- Black Thoughts Bleeding
- Black Tide
- Black Tongue
- Black Trip
- Black Tusk
- Black Veil Brides
- Black Viper
- Black Void
- Black Witchery
- Black Wizard
- Black Wound
- Black Yet Full Of Stars
- Blackage
- Blackberry Smoke
- Blackbird Angels
- Blackbraid
- Blackbriar
- Blackdrone Inc.
- Blackened White
- Blackevil
- Blackfabula
- Blackfield
- Blackfinger
- Blackfoot Gypsies
- Blackguard
- Blacklist Union
- Blacklisted
- Blacklodge
- Blackmail Of Murder
- Blackmail Parade
- Blackmore’s Night
- Blackout
- Blackout Problems
- Blackrain
- Blackshine
- Blacksmith Tales
- Blackstream
- Blacksword
- Blacktop Mojo
- Blackwater
- Blackwinds
- Blame
- Blame It On The Ocean
- Blanc Faces
- Blasfemerd
- Blaskhyrt
- Blasphamagoatachrist
- Blasphematory
- Blaspheme
- Blasphemer
- Blasphemophager
- Blasphemous Fire
- Blasphemous Noise Torment
- Blasphemy
- Blaspherian
- Blaze
- Blaze Bayley
- Blaze Of Hate
- Blaze Of Perdition
- Blaze Of Sorrow
- Blazing Clash
- Blazing Eternity
- Blazing Rust
- Blazon Rite
- Blazon Stone
- Bleach Eater
- Bleak Vision
- Bleed From Within
- Bleed In Vain
- Bleed Someone Dry
- Bleed The Man
- Bleed The Sky
- Bleeding Eyes
- Bleeding Fist
- Bleeding Gods
- Bleeding Out
- Bleeding Through
- Bleeding Zero
- Blessed By A Broken Heart
- Blessed Curse
- Blessthefall
- Blezqi Zatsaz
- Blind Alley
- Blind Channel
- Blind Date
- Blind Guardian
- Blind Horizon
- Blind Illusion
- Blind Marmots
- Blind Monarch
- Blind Stare
- Blind To Faith
- Blindead
- Blindeath
- Blinded Colony
- Blindfolded And Led To The Woods
- Blinding Sunrise
- Blinding Tears
- Blindside
- Blink-182
- Bliss Infection
- Bliss Of Flesh
- Blitzkid
- Blitzkrieg
- Blizaro
- Blizzard
- Bloc Party
- Blocconero
- Block Buster
- Block! Antonius Block!
- Blockheads
- Blodhemn
- Blodiga Skald
- Blodsgard
- Blodsrit
- BlodtÅr
- Blodtru
- Blodulv
- Bloedmaan
- Blood
- Blood Ceremony
- Blood Command
- Blood Cult
- Blood Duster
- Blood Eagle
- Blood Freak
- Blood From The Soul
- Blood I Bleed
- Blood Inc.
- Blood Incantation
- Blood Mortized
- Blood Oath
- Blood Of Kings
- Blood Of Kingu
- Blood Of Seklusion
- Blood Of The Sun
- Blood On Black Leather
- Blood Red Fog
- Blood Red Saints
- Blood Red Throne
- Blood Red Water
- Blood Redemption
- Blood Revolt
- Blood Ritual
- Blood Stain Child
- Blood Stained Dusk
- Blood Stands Still
- Blood Thirsty Demons
- Blood Tsunami
- Blood Tyrant
- Blood Youth
- Bloodattack
- Bloodbath
- Bloodbather
- Bloodbound
- Bloodchurn
- Bloodclot
- Bloodevil
- Bloodflowerz
- Bloodgut
- Bloodhunter
- Bloodiest
- Bloodjinn
- Bloodjob
- Bloodkill
- Bloodlet
- Bloodlights
- Bloodlined Calligraphy
- Bloodmoon
- Bloodmoon Eclipse
- Bloodmoon Ritual
- Bloodorn
- Bloodphemy
- Bloodrocuted
- Bloodrose
- Bloodshed (fra)
- Bloodshed Walhalla
- Bloodshot
- Bloodshot Dawn
- Bloodsimple
- Bloodsoaked
- Bloodsoaked Necrovoid
- Bloodspot
- Bloodstock Open Air
- Bloodsworn
- Bloodthorn
- Bloodtruth
- Bloodway
- Bloodwrath
- Bloodwritten
- Bloody Hammers
- Bloody Heels
- Bloody Herald
- Bloody Honey
- Bloody Mary (fra)
- Bloody Mary (ita)
- Bloody Nightmare
- Bloody Phoenix
- Bloody Slave
- Bloody Tears
- Bloodywood
- Blot Mine
- Blotted Science
- Blowfuse
- Blu Infinito
- Bludgeon
- Blue Beam Project
- Blue Cheer
- Blue Dawn
- Blue Hour Ghosts
- Blue Oyster Cult
- Blue Tears
- Bluerose
- Blues Pills
- Blurr Thrower
- Blurring
- Blut
- Blut Aus Nord
- Bluteszorn
- Blutmond
- Blvd Of Death
- Boal
- Bob Catley
- Bob Katsionis
- Bob Mould
- Bobaflex
- Bodies In The Gears Of The Apparatus
- Bodies On Everest
- Bodom After Midnight
- Body Count
- Body Of Scars
- Bodyfarm
- Bodysnatcher
- Bog Body
- Boguslaw Balcerak’s Crylord
- Bohemyst
- Bohren & Der Club Of Gore
- Boia
- Boikot
- Boil
- Bokassa
- Bokor
- Boleskine House
- Bolgia Di Malacoda
- Bologna Violenta
- Bolt Thrower
- Bolverk
- Bombardo
- Bomber
- Bombs Of Hades
- Bombus
- Bombyx Mori
- Bon Jovi
- Bonafide
- Bonded
- Bonded By Blood
- Bone Dance
- Bone Gnawer
- Bone Sickness
- Bonecarver
- Boneflower
- Bones
- Bones Bag
- Bonfire
- Bong
- Bongripper
- Bongzilla
- Bonjour Tristesse
- Bonrud
- Book Of Black Earth
- Book Of Reflections
- Boomerang
- Boon
- Boots Electric
- Booze & Glory
- Boreal
- Borealis
- Borgarting
- Borgne
- Boris
- Boris & Ian Astbury
- Boris The Blade
- Borknagar
- Born A New
- Born Again
- Born From Pain
- Born Of Osiris
- Born Of Sin
- Born Of Thorns
- Born To Murder The World
- Born With A Basic Goodness
- Bornholm
- Borrower
- Borstal
- Bosco Sacro
- Bosse-de-nage
- Bossk
- Boston
- Boston Horror Core
- Botanist
- Botch
- Bothers
- Bottomless
- Boundaries
- Boundless Chaos
- Bourbon Flame
- Bow Wow
- Bowes & Morley
- Boycott Mankind
- Boysetsfire
- Bozoo
- BØlzer
- BØreal
- Bpmd
- Brain
- Brain Dead
- Brain Drill
- Brain Failure
- Brain Heart Infusion
- Brain Of Maggot
- Brain Stomper
- Brain Tentacles
- Braincide
- Braindamage
- Brainsore
- Brainstorm
- Brainwash
- Brand New Sin
- Brand Of Sacrifice
- Brandon Ashley & The Silverbugs
- Brant Bjork
- Brant Bjork Trio
- Brave The Cold
- Brazen Abbot
- BrÆ
- Breach
- Breach The Void
- Breag Naofa
- Break Even
- Break Me Down
- Breakdown Of Sanity
- Breakdust
- Breaking In A Sequence
- Breakpoint
- Breathe And I
- Breathe Atlantis
- Breathe The Supernova
- Breathin God
- Breathless
- Breathstealers
- Breed 77
- Breed As Vultures
- Breschdleng
- Brett Walker
- Bretus
- Brian “head” Welch
- Brian Howe
- Brian Mcdonald Project
- Brian Robertson
- Brick
- Brick By Brick
- Bridear
- Brides
- Brides Of Destruction
- Bridge To Solace
- Bright & Black
- Brighter Death Now
- Brimstone Coven
- Bring Me The Horizon
- Bringers Of Desease
- Briqueville
- Brisen
- British Lion
- Broadway Calls
- Brocas Helm
- Brocken Moon
- Brodequin
- Broken Arrow
- Broken Bones
- Broken Empire
- Broken Glazz
- Broken Hope
- Broken Melody
- Broken Oath
- Broken Screen
- Broken Teeth
- Broken Teeth (usa)
- Brother Against Brother
- Brother Firetribe
- Brother Von Doom
- Brothers Of Metal
- Brothers Of No One
- Brothers Till We Die
- Browbeat
- Brown Jenkins
- Bruce Dickinson
- Bruce Springsteen
- Bruce Turgon
- Bruise Gretel
- Brujeria
- Brume
- Brutal Deluxe
- Brutal Godz
- Brutal MorticÍnio
- Brutal Murder
- Brutal Sphincter
- Brutal Truth
- Brutalism
- Brutality
- Brutality Will Prevail
- Brutally Deceased
- Brutofuzz
- Brutus (bel)
- Brutus (nl)
- Brutus (nor)
- Brvmak
- Brymir
- Buckcherry
- Bud Tribe
- Budderside
- Budgie
- Buena Madera
- Buffalo Grillz
- Bug
- Built-in Obsolescence
- Buioingola
- Bull Brigade
- Bulldozer
- Bullet
- Bullet For My Valentine
- Bullet Monks
- Bullet Ride
- Bullet-proof
- Bulletboys
- Bullethole
- Bullets And Octane
- Bullets For Teeth
- Bune
- Bunker 66
- BuÑuel
- Burden Of Grief
- Burden Of Life
- Burial
- Burial (it)
- Burial Curse
- Burial Hordes
- Burial Invocation
- Burial Remains
- Burialkult
- Burialmound
- Burian
- Buried Alive
- Buried In Black
- Buried In Verona
- Buried Inside
- Burn After Me
- Burn Down Rome
- Burn Halo
- Burn Inside
- Burn My Shadows
- Burn Of Black
- Burn The Ocean
- BÜrner
- Burner (uk)
- Burning Black
- Burning Caskets
- Burning Darkness
- Burning Dead
- Burning Gloom
- Burning Love
- Burning Nitrum
- Burning Point
- Burning Rain
- Burning Rome
- Burning Seas
- Burning Skies
- Burning Starr
- Burning The Masses
- Burning The Ocean
- Burning The Prospect
- Burning Witches
- Burns Blue
- Burnt By The Sun
- Burnthe8track
- Burst
- Bury Me Deep
- Bury Tomorrow
- Bury Your Dead
- Burzum
- Bush
- Bushi
- But We Try It
- BÜtcher
- Butcher Babies
- Buzzov.en
- Buzzum
- By Fire And Sword
- By Night
- By The Grief
- By The Patient
- Byatis
- Byblis
- Byfist
- Byfrost
- Byrdi
- Bythos
- Byzantine
- C Of E
- C-187
- C.aarmé
- C.l.g.
- C.l.s.m.
- C4
- Cabal
- Cabal Cripta
- Caballero
- Cabin Boy Jumped Ship
- Cabra
- Caccamon
- Cacophony
- Cactus
- Cadaver
- Cadaver Shrine
- Cadaveria
- Cadaveric Crematorium
- Cadaveric Fumes
- Cadaveric Incubator
- Caedes Cruenta
- Caelestis
- Cage
- Cage (ita)
- Cage Fight
- Caged
- Cain
- CaÏna
- Cainites
- Cairns
- Caladan Brood
- Caldera
- Calendula
- Caliban
- Caliber 666
- Calico System
- California Breed
- California Guitar Trio
- Caligula’s Horse
- Call Of Charon
- Call Of The Void
- Call Of The Void
- Call Ov Unearthly
- Call To Preserve
- Callejon
- Callenish Circle
- Calligram
- Callisto
- Calm Hatchery
- Calvario
- Calvarium
- Calyces
- Calyx
- Cambion
- Cambrian
- Camera Obscura Two (co2)
- Camera Oscura
- Camulos
- CÂn Bardd
- Canaan
- Canaja
- Cancer
- Cancer Bats
- Cancer Spreading
- Cancerous Womb
- Cancervo
- Cancrena
- Candiria
- Candle
- Candlemass
- Candy
- Cane Di Goya
- Cane Hill
- Cani Dei Portici
- Cani Radar
- Canis Dirus
- Cannabis Corpse
- Cannae
- Cannibal Accident
- Cannibal Corpse
- Cannon
- Cans
- Cantata Sangui
- Cantique Lepreux
- Capharnaum
- Capilla Ardiente
- Capitollium
- Cappanera
- Capra
- Capsize
- Capsule
- Captain Black Beard
- Captain Cleanoff
- Captain Jacobs
- Captivus Diaboli
- Captura
- Capture The Crown
- Car Bomb
- Cara Neir
- Carach Angren
- Caravaggio
- Caravellus
- Carcass
- Carcharodon
- Carcinoid
- Cardamon
- Cardiac Arrest
- Cardinals Folly
- Carinou
- Carlos Dunga
- Carnage
- Carnal Decay
- Carnal Disfigurement
- Carnal Forge
- Carnal Rapture
- Carnal Tomb
- Carnality
- Carnation
- Carnero
- Carnifex
- Carnist
- Carnival In Coal
- Carnivore
- Carnivore Diprosopus
- Carnophage
- Carnosus
- Caronte
- Carontte
- Carpathian
- Carpathian Forest
- Carpe Noctem
- Carpe Tenebrum
- Carpenter Brut
- Carptree
- Cartilage
- Carton
- Carved
- Carved In Stone
- Casablanca
- Casandra’s Crossing
- Casey
- Casey Jones
- Casket
- Casketgarden
- Caskets Open
- Caspian
- Cassandra
- Cast The Stone
- Cast Thy Eyes
- Castevet
- Castle
- Castrated
- Catacombe
- Catacombs
- Catalepsy
- Cataleptic
- Catalysis
- Catalyst
- Catamenia
- Cataplexy
- Cataract
- Catastrophic
- Catch 22
- Category 7
- Catenatam Lucem
- Catfish
- Cathartic
- Cathedral
- Catheter
- Cathexis
- Cattle Decapitation
- Catuvolcus
- Cauchemar
- Cauldron
- Cauldron (uk)
- Cauldron Black Ram
- Cauldron Born
- Cause For Revelation
- Caustic Vomit
- Caustic Wound
- Cavador
- Cavalera Conspiracy
- Cave In
- Cavernous Gate
- Cavus
- Cayne
- Cb Murdoc
- Cea Serin
- Cebren-khal
- Ceilings
- Celeb Car Crash
- Celebratum
- Celeste
- Celestia
- Celestial Bloodshed
- Celestial Grave
- Celestial Sanctuary
- Celestial Scourge
- Celestial Season
- Celestial Wizard
- Celesty
- Cellador
- Cellar Darling
- Cellulite Star
- Celtic Frost
- Celtic Legacy
- Cemetary
- Cemetery Filth
- Cemetery Fog
- Cemetery Skyline
- Cemetery Urn
- Cemican
- Cenotaph
- Cenotaphe
- Centaurus-a
- Centinela
- Centinex
- Centrica
- Centro Bipolare
- Centurian
- Centurion
- Centurions Ghost
- Century
- Century (swe)
- Centvrion
- Cephalic Carnage
- Cephalic Impurity
- Cepheide
- Cerberus
- Cercenatory
- Cerebral Bore
- Cerebral Effusion
- Cerebral Extinction
- Cerebral Fix
- Cerebral Rot
- Cerebric Turmoil
- Cerebrum
- Cerekloth
- Ceremented
- Ceremonial Bloodbath
- Ceremonial Oath
- Ceremony
- Ceremony Of Silence
- Ceresian Valot
- Cerulean
- Cervix
- Cesio 135
- Cethegus
- Ch’ahom
- Chain Collector
- Chain Reaction
- Chainbreaker
- ChaÎnes
- Chains
- Chains Of Prometheus
- Chainsword
- Chakrah
- Chalice Of Sin
- Chalice Of Suffering
- Challenger
- Chamber
- Chamber Of Unlight
- Chambers
- Champion
- Changeling
- Channel Zero
- Chantry
- Chaos Among Nameless
- Chaos Beyond
- Chaos Control
- Chaos Core
- Chaos Echoes
- Chaos Factory
- Chaos Frame
- Chaos Inception
- Chaos Invocation
- Chaos Magic
- Chaos Moon
- Chaos Plague
- Chaos Theory
- Chaos Venture
- Chaosbreed
- Chaosbringer
- Chaosfear
- Chaostar
- Chaoswave
- Chaotian
- Chapel Of Disease
- Chapel Of Samhain
- Characters
- Charger
- Charlotte Wessels
- Charme
- Charnel Altar
- Charnel Winds
- Charon
- Charon (de)
- Charred Walls Of The Damned
- Charun
- Charun (ita)
- Chase The Ace
- Chasing People
- Chasma
- Chastain
- Chastisement
- Chat Pile
- Cheap Trick
- Cheeno
- Chelmno
- Chelsea Grin
- Chelsea Wolfe
- Chemicide
- Cheope
- Chepang
- Cherry Lips
- Cherry Stone
- Chevalier
- Chevelle
- Chickenfoot
- Chiens
- Child
- Child (se)
- Child Bite
- Children Of Bodom
- Children Of God
- Children Of Technology
- Children Of The Reptile
- Chimaira
- Chimera
- China Blue
- China Girl
- Chiodos
- Chocobo Band
- Chokehold
- Chowder
- Chrch
- Chris Boltendahl’s Steelhammer
- Chris Caffery
- Chris Catena
- Chris Catena’s Rock City Tribe
- Chris Cornell
- Chris Holmes & The Mean Men
- Chris Poland
- Christ Agony
- Christ Denied
- Christadoro
- Christian Death
- Christian Mistress
- Christian Muenzner
- Christian Zezza
- Christopher Lee
- Chroma Key
- Chrome Division
- Chrome Ghost
- Chrome Hoof
- Chrome Molly
- Chrome Waves
- Chronic Hate
- Chronicles Of Hate
- Chronos Zero
- Chronosfear
- Chronosphere
- Chronotope
- Chrysalis
- Chthe’ilist
- Chthonian
- Chthonic
- Chton
- Chuck Schuldiner
- Chuggaboom
- Church Of Confidence
- Church Of Disgust
- Church Of Misery
- Church Of The Cosmic Skull
- Church Of The Dead
- Church Of Void
- Churchburn
- Chve
- Ciaff
- Ciaff/barcode
- Cianide
- Cibo
- Cicada The Burrower
- Cidesphere
- Cidodici
- Ciementificio
- Cimitero
- Cinderella
- Cinders Fall
- Cioran
- Cipher System
- Circle
- Circle Ii Circle
- Circle Of Animals
- Circle Of Dead Children
- Circle Of Moebius
- Circle Of Ouroborus
- Circle Of Silence
- Circle Of Witches
- Circle Takes The Square
- Circles
- Circus Maximus
- Circus Of Damnation
- Cirith Gorgor
- Cirith Ungol
- City Of Fire
- City Of Lights
- City Of Ships
- City Of Thieves
- City Sleeps
- Civerous
- Civil War
- Civilization One
- Cj Sleez
- Cky
- Clactonian
- Clairvoyants
- Clamfight
- Clandestine
- Claudio Simonetti’s Goblin
- Claustrofobia
- Claustrophobia
- Claustrum
- Clawfinger
- Claymore
- Cleanbreak
- Clear Vision
- Clenched Fist
- Clepsydra
- Clinging To The Trees Of A Forest Fire
- Clinicamente Morti
- Cliteater
- Cloak
- Cloak Of Altering
- Cloakroom
- Clockwork
- Clockwork Revolution
- Clonecircle
- Closer
- Cloud Rat
- Cloudkicker
- Clouds
- Cloudscape
- Cloven Hoof
- Clown Core
- Clutch
- Cmpt
- Cntmpt
- Coal Chamber
- Coalesce
- Coastland Ride
- Cobalt
- Cobra The Impaler
- Cobrakill
- Cocaine Kamikaze
- Cock And Ball Torture
- Cockroach
- Code
- Code (uk)
- Code Orange
- Codeon
- Coexistence
- Coffe Shower
- Coffin Birth
- Coffin Breath
- Coffin Curse
- Coffin Mulch
- Coffin Rot
- Coffin Storm
- Coffin Surfer
- Coffinborn
- Coffincraft
- Coffins
- Coffinworm
- Cog
- Cogas
- Cognitive
- Cognizance
- Coheed And Cambria
- Coil Commemorate Enslave
- Coilguns
- Cold Black
- Cold Body Radiation
- Cold Cave
- Cold Fell
- Cold Insight
- Cold Moon
- Cold Northern Vengeance
- Cold Raven
- Cold Snap
- Cold World
- Coldborn
- Coldcell
- Coldfells
- Coldrain
- Coldspell
- Coldsteel
- Coldwar
- Coldworker
- Coldworld
- Coliseum
- Collapse Within
- Collars
- Collateral Damage
- Collective Soul
- Colonnelli
- Colosseum
- Colosso
- Colour Haze
- Coltre
- Coltsblood
- Columns
- Coma
- Coma Star
- Comando Praetorio
- Comaniac
- Comatose Vigil
- Combichrist
- Combo De La Muerte
- Come Back From The Dead
- Come Horrid Sigil
- Come The Dawn
- Come The Tides
- Come To Grief
- Comeback Kid
- Comity
- Command
- Commander
- Commissioner
- Common Eider King Eider
- Common Grave
- Commoner
- Communic
- Communion
- Complete Failure
- Compos Mentis
- Compressorhead
- Compulsion
- Conan
- Conan’s First Date
- Concealment
- Concept
- Concept Of God
- Concept Project
- Conception
- Concilivm
- Concordea
- Concrete
- Concrete Age
- Concrete Block
- Concrete Icon
- Concrete Winds
- Condemned (usa)
- Condemned?
- Condition Red
- Condor
- Condre Scr
- Conducting From The Grave
- Confess
- Confess (swe)
- Confession
- Confessions Of A Traitor
- Confessor
- Confine
- Confined Within
- Confligo
- Confrontational
- Confusion Gods
- Congress
- Conjurer
- Conjureth
- Conquer Divide
- Conquering Dystopia
- Conqueror
- Consciousness Removal Project
- Consfearacy
- Consortium Project
- Conspectu Mortis
- Conspiracy
- Conspiracy (hol)
- Conspiracy A.d.
- Constants
- Constellatia
- Construcdead
- Construct Of Lethe
- Consumer
- Consummation
- Consumption
- Contention
- Continents
- Continents
- Continual Drift
- Continuo Renacer
- Continuum Of Xul
- Contradiction
- Contrarian
- Control Denied
- Convent Guilt
- Converge
- Convergence
- Conveyer
- Conviction
- Convocation
- Convulse
- Convulsing
- Cop Uk
- Coprofago
- Coprolith
- Cor Scorpii
- Cora’s Heart
- Coram Lethe
- Coraxul
- Core 10
- Coreleoni
- Corelia
- Corey Taylor
- Coreya
- Cormorant
- Cornerstone
- Cornerstone (aut)
- Coronary
- Coronatus
- Coroner
- Corporation 187
- Corporation Of Consumption
- Corpse Garden
- Corpsefucking Art
- Corpsegrinder
- Corpsessed
- Corpsing
- Corpus Christi
- Corpus Christii
- Corpus Diavolis
- Corpus Mortale
- Corpus Mutilum
- Corpus Offal
- Corrections House
- Corrigan
- Corroded
- Corroosion
- Corrosion Of Conformity
- Corrosive Carcass
- Corrupt Leaders
- Corrupt Moral Altar
- Corrupted
- Corrupter
- Corvus Corax
- Coscradh
- Cosmic Conqueror
- Cosmic Farm
- Cosmic Putrefaction
- Cosmic Reaper
- Cosmic Tribe
- Cosmo
- Cotard Syndrome
- Cough
- Coughdust
- Council Of The Fallen
- Count Raven
- Counterfeit
- Counterparts
- Counting Days
- Counting Hours
- Countless Skies
- Course Of Fate
- Courtney Love
- Coven
- Coven Japan
- Cover Your Tracks
- Cowards
- Cowboy Prostitutes
- Cradle Of Filth
- Craft
- Crafter Of Gods
- Cranial
- Cranial Disorder
- Cranian
- Cranimo
- Craniotomy
- Crash Romeo
- CrashdÏet
- Crator
- Craven Idol
- Craving Terror
- Crawl
- Crawler
- Crawling Chaos
- Crazy Lixx
- Crazy Rain
- Crazy Town
- Creations
- Creature
- Creature (fra)
- Creed
- Creep
- Creeper
- Creeping
- Creeping Death
- Crehated
- Crematory
- Cremisi
- Crenshaw
- Crepuscolo
- Crepuscule D’hiver
- Crescent
- Crescent Shield
- Crest Of Darkness
- Cretin
- Crikey
- Crime In Stereo
- Crimes
- Crimes Of Passion
- Crimfall
- Criminal
- Criminal Hate
- Crimson Blue
- Crimson Dawn
- Crimson Falls
- Crimson Fire
- Crimson Glory
- Crimson Moon
- Crimson Shadows
- Crimson Sun
- Crimson Veil
- Crimson Wind
- Crionics
- Cripper
- Cripple Bastards
- Crippled Black Phoenix
- Crippled Black Phoenix
- Criptum
- Crisalide
- Crisedelia
- Crisis
- Crisis Benoit
- Crisis Never Ends
- Crisix
- Cristiano Filippini’s Flames Of Heaven
- Criterion
- Critical Defiance
- Critical Extravasation
- Critical Solution
- Cro-mags
- Crobot
- Crocell
- Crohm
- Crom
- Crom Dubh
- Cromlech
- Cromlech (can)
- Cromo
- Crone
- Cronian
- Cronoth
- Crooked Man
- Cross
- Cross Bringer
- Cross Vault
- Cross X
- Crossbones
- Crossbones (al)
- Crosscut
- Crosses
- Crossfaith
- Crossing Eternity
- Crotchduster
- Crowbar
- Crowdead
- Crowhead
- Crowhill Tales
- Crowhurst
- Crowley’s Passion
- Crown
- Crown Lands
- Crown Magnetar
- Crown Of Autumn
- Crown Of Thorns
- Crown The Empire
- Crown The Lost
- Crowne
- Crowned In Earth
- Crownshift
- Crowpath
- Cruachan
- Cruciamentum
- Crucible
- Crucified Barbara
- Crucifyre
- Cruel Force
- Cruel Hand
- Cruel Life Inside
- Cruelty
- Cruenta Lacrymis
- Cruentator
- Cruentus
- Cruor
- Crurifragium
- Crusader
- Crustacean
- Crux
- Cruxifiction
- Cruz
- Cruzh
- Cry Excess
- Cry For Silence
- Cryfemal
- Cryfromthestreet
- Crying Steel
- Cryme
- Cryonic Temple
- Crypt Sermon
- Crypta
- Cryptae
- Cryptborn
- Cryptex
- Cryptic Brood
- Cryptic Forest
- Cryptic Hatred
- Cryptic Shift
- Cryptic Slaughter
- Cryptic Theory
- Cryptic Wintermoon
- Cryptivore
- Cryptodira
- Cryptopsy
- Cryptosis
- Crypts Of Despair
- Cryptworm
- Crysalys
- Crystal Ball
- Crystal Blue
- Crystal Eyes
- Crystal Lake
- Crystal Pistol
- Crystal Tears
- Crystal Viper
- Crystalium
- Crystallion
- Cthonica
- Cubensis
- Cubo Di Rubik
- Cubre
- Cullooden
- Cult Cinema
- Cult Leader
- Cult Of Eibon
- Cult Of Endtime
- Cult Of Erinyes
- Cult Of Fire
- Cult Of Lilith
- Cult Of Luna
- Cult Of Occult
- Cult Of Shadows
- Cult Of Vampyrism
- Culted
- Cultes Des Ghoules
- CultØ
- Cultro
- Cultura Tres
- Cultural Warfare
- Culture Killer
- Cultus Sanguine
- Currents
- Curse
- Curse All Kings
- Curse Guard
- Curse Of Cain
- Curse Of The North
- Curse The Son
- Curse This Ocean
- Cursed Cemetery
- Cursed Scrolls
- Cursetheknife
- Cut Up
- Cvinger
- Cvlt Ov The Svn
- Cwealm
- Cxoxsx
- Cyanide Serenity
- Cyber Cross
- Cycle Sluts From Hell
- Cyclophonia
- Cyclops Cataract
- Cydonia
- Cyhra
- Cynic
- Cypecore
- Cyphosis
- Cyrax
- Cystic
- Cytotoxin
- D With Us
- D-swoon
- D.a.d.
- D.r.i.
- D.usk
- D’virgilio Morse Jennings
- D8 Dimension
- Da4th
- Daal
- Daath
- Daath Shadow
- Dacast
- Daedalus
- Daemon
- Daemonia
- Daemoniac
- Daemoniaca
- Daemonicus
- Daemonlord
- Daemons’s Gate
- Daeth Daemon
- Daeva
- Daevar
- Dagoba
- Dagor Dagorath
- Dagorlad Battleplain
- Daily Grind
- Dakhma
- Dakrua
- Daksinroy
- Dalit
- Dalkhu
- Dalla Nebbia
- Dalriada
- Dam
- Damage Done
- Damage Factory
- Damageplan
- Damaste
- Dammercide
- DÄmmerfarben
- Damn City!
- Damn Your Eyes
- Damnatio Memoriae
- Damnation
- Damnation Angels
- Damnation Army
- Damnation Defaced
- Damnation Gallery
- Damnation Plan
- Damnations Day
- Damned Nation
- Damned Pilots
- Damned Scream
- Damned Spring Fragantia
- Damneds
- Damno
- Dampf
- Dan Keying
- Dan SwanÖ
- Dance Gavin Dance
- Dane Club Massacre
- Danefae
- Danger Danger
- Danger Zone
- Daniel Menche
- Daniel Palmqvist
- Daniele Bat Maraspin
- Daniele Liverani
- Danishmendt
- Danko Jones
- Danny Metal
- Danny Trejo
- Danny Vaughn
- Danse Macabre
- Dantalion
- Dante
- Dante Fox
- Dante’s Theory
- Dantesco
- Danzig
- Dare
- Dargaard
- Darian And Friends
- Dario Cappanera
- Dario Grillo
- Dario Mollo’s Crossbones
- Dario Mollo/tony Martin
- Dark Age
- Dark Ages
- Dark Angel
- Dark Aries Project
- Dark At Dawn
- Dark Avenger
- Dark Buddha Rising
- Dark Castle
- Dark Chapel
- Dark Circles
- Dark Disciple
- Dark Forest
- Dark Fortress
- Dark Funeral
- Dark Haunters
- Dark Horizon
- Dark Illusion
- Dark Intentions
- Dark Lunacy
- Dark Matter
- Dark Millennium
- Dark Moor
- Dark Opera
- Dark Order
- Dark Passage
- Dark Quarterer
- Dark Redeemer
- Dark Reflection
- Dark Reflexions
- Dark Sanctuary
- Dark Sarah
- Dark Sermon
- Dark Sky Burial
- Dark Storm
- Dark Suns
- Dark The Suns
- Dark Tranquillity
- Dark Tribe
- Dark Veneris
- Dark Wings Syndrome
- Darkane
- Darke Complex
- Darkempire
- Darkend
- Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult
- DarkenhÖld
- Darkest Era
- Darkest Hour
- Darkest Insania
- Darkestrah
- Darkher
- Darkhold
- Darking
- Darklight
- Darkmoon
- Darkness
- Darkness By Oath
- Darkness Dynamite
- Darkness Everywhere
- Darknet
- Darko
- Darkology
- Darkrise
- Darkrypt
- Darkseed
- Darkshine
- Darkside
- Darkspace
- Darksun
- Darkthrone
- Darktrance
- Darktribe
- Darkupside
- Darkwater
- Darkwell
- Darkwoods My Betrothed
- Darren Smith Band
- Darvaza
- Darzamat
- Das Ich
- Das Scheit
- Datura
- Daughter Chaos
- Daughters
- Daughters Of Sophia
- Daughtry
- Dauntless
- Dautha
- DauÞuz
- Dave Evans
- Dave Martone
- Dave Meniketti
- David Lee Roth
- David Readman
- David Reece
- David Valdes
- Dawn (ita)
- Dawn (swe)
- Dawn Of A Dark Age
- Dawn Of Ashes
- Dawn Of Azazel
- Dawn Of Demise
- Dawn Of Disease
- Dawn Of Memories
- Dawn Of Ouroboros
- Dawn Of Relic
- Dawn Of Silence
- Dawn Of Solace
- Dawn Of Tears
- Dawn Of Winter
- Dawn On Sedna
- Dawn Ray’d
- Dawn Under Eclipse
- Dawnbringer
- Dawnwalker
- Day Of Contempt
- Day Of Errors
- Daydreamer
- Daylight Dies
- Daylight Misery
- Daylight Silence
- Daymares
- Days Of Anger
- Days Of Collapse
- Days Of Desolation
- Dayseeker
- Daysend
- Dayshell
- Daytona
- Dazzling Killmen
- Dc4
- De Arma
- De La Muerte
- De La Tierra
- De Lirium’s Order
- De Magia Veterum
- De Mannen Broeders
- De Profundis
- De Profvndis Clamavi
- Deacon Street Project
- Dead And Dripping
- Dead Awaken
- Dead Beyond Buried
- Dead By April
- Dead Can Dance
- Dead Chasm
- Dead City Ruins
- Dead Confederate
- Dead Congregation
- Dead Cross
- Dead Elephant
- Dead End Sky
- Dead Ends
- Dead Eternity
- Dead Eyed Sleeper
- Dead Head
- Dead Hearts
- Dead Heat
- Dead Icarus
- Dead In The Dirt
- Dead In The Manger
- Dead In The Water
- Dead Infection
- Dead Kennedys
- Dead Label
- Dead Letter Circus
- Dead Like Juliet
- Dead Lord
- Dead Man In Reno
- Dead Man’s Hand
- Dead Neanderthals
- Dead Of Night
- Dead On Mars
- Dead Poetic
- Dead Quiet
- Dead Return
- Dead Shape Figure
- Dead Soul
- Dead Soul (swe)
- Dead Summer Society
- Dead Swans
- Dead Talks
- Dead Tired
- Dead To A Dying World
- Dead To Fall
- Dead To This World
- Dead Trooper
- Dead Void
- Dead Will Walk
- Dead Witches
- Deadborn
- Deadform
- Deadform (us)
- Deadguy
- Deadland Ritual
- Deadlands
- Deadline
- Deadlock
- Deadly Animals
- Deadly Carnage
- Deadly Dive
- Deadly Kiss
- Deadly Light
- Deadly Magic
- Deadly Remains
- Deadly Tide
- Deadlystrain
- Deadrisen
- Deadsoil
- Deadsoul Tribe
- Deadstar Assembly
- Deadsy
- DeadsydÄn
- Deadthrone
- Deadweight (hol)
- Deadweight (uk)
- Deaf Autumn
- Deaf Eyes
- Deaf Kids
- Deaf Noise
- Deafheaven
- Deals Death
- Dear Mother
- Dearth
- Death
- Death Alley
- Death Angel
- Death Army
- Death Before Disco
- Death Before Dishonor
- Death Breath
- Death By Stereo
- Death Dealer
- Death Dealer Union
- Death Dies
- Death Division
- Death Fetishist
- Death From Above
- Death Goals
- Death Grips
- Death Heaven
- Death Karma
- Death Like Mass
- Death Machine
- Death Mechanism
- Death Of An Era
- Death Penalty
- Death Racer
- Death Ray Vision
- Death Reality
- Death Riders
- Death Ss
- Death Strike
- Death The Leveller
- Death Toll 80k
- Death Tyrant
- Death Valley Driver
- Death Wolf
- Death Worship
- Death. Void. Terror.
- Death2pigs
- Deathbell
- Deathbound
- Deathchain
- Deathcollector
- Deathcrush
- Deathcult
- Deathcult (ch)
- Deathdestruction
- Deatherapy
- Deathevokation
- Deathfall
- Deathfucker
- Deathgeist
- Deathhammer
- Deathkiller
- Deathless Legacy
- Deathless Void
- Deathmarch
- Deathox
- Deathraiser
- Deathriders
- Deathrite
- Deathronation
- Deathrow
- Deathrow (ger)
- Deathsiege
- Deathspell Omega
- Deathstars
- Deathstorm
- Deathwhite
- Deathwitch
- Deathwork
- Debauchery
- Debt Of Nature
- Decadence (ita)
- Decadence (swe)
- Decapitated
- Decapitated Christ
- Decaying
- Decaying Purity
- Deceased
- Deceit
- Deceit (uk)
- Deceit Machine
- Deceiver
- Deceiver (swe)
- December
- December Flower
- December Peals
- Decembre Noir
- Deceptionist
- Decimation
- Decline Of The I
- Decoherence
- Decomposed God
- Decrepid
- Decrepidemic
- Decrepisy
- Decrepit Birth
- Decrepit Cadaver
- Decrepitaph
- Decrew
- Decrial
- Decrowned
- Ded
- Dee Snider
- Deeds
- Deeds Of Flesh
- Deep As Ocean
- Deep Insight
- Deep Purple
- Deep Space Mask
- Deep Sun
- Deep Switch
- Deep Throat
- Deep Valley Blues
- Deez Nuts
- Def Leppard
- Def-con-one
- Defaced
- Defaced Creation
- Defacement
- Defacing
- Defacing God
- Defeated Sanity
- Defeater
- Defechate
- Defect Designer
- Defecto
- Defects
- Defender
- Defending The Faith
- Defiance
- Defiance (portland)
- Defiant
- Defiled
- Defiler
- Deflag
- Deflagrator
- Defleshed
- Defloration
- Deflore
- Defocus
- Deforge
- Deftones
- Defueld
- Defying Plague
- Degenerhate
- Degial
- Degrade
- Degradead
- Degraved
- Degrees Of Truth
- DÉhÀ
- Dehuman Reign
- Dehumanized
- Deicide
- Deimos
- Deimos’ Dawn
- Deinonychus
- Deiphago
- Deiquisitor
- Deitus
- Deivos
- Deja Vu
- Dejanira
- Dekadent
- Dekapitator
- Delain
- Deletere
- Delicious
- Deliquesce
- Delirio De Cordura
- Delirio Occulto
- Delirious
- Delirium X Tremens
- Deliverance
- Delphian
- Deluded By Lesbians
- DÈluge
- DÉluge
- Delyria
- Demande À La PoussiÈre
- Demented Are Go
- Dementia Senex
- Demetra Sine Die
- Demia
- Demians
- Demidead
- Demigod
- Demikhov
- Demilich
- Demiricous
- Demise Of The Crown
- Demiser
- Demiurg
- Demiurgon
- Demolisher
- Demolition
- Demolition Hammer
- Demolition Saint
- Demolizer
- Demon
- Demon
- Demon Bitch
- Demon Drive
- Demon Eye
- Demon Head
- Demon Hunter
- Demon Lung
- Demon Project
- Demon Spell
- Demon’s Shade
- Demonaz
- Demonbreed
- Demoncy
- Demonia Mundi
- Demoniac
- Demonic Rage
- Demonic Resurrection
- Demonica
- Demonical
- Demonio
- Demonized
- Demonizer
- Demonoid
- Demonomancy
- Demons & Wizards
- Demons Of Dirt
- Demonstealer
- Den Saakaldte
- Denial
- Denial Fiend
- Denial Of God
- Denied
- Denizen
- Denner’s Inferno
- Denner/shermann
- Denouncement Pyre
- Deos
- DÉparte
- Departure Chandelier
- Departures
- Dephosphorus
- Depopulation Department
- Depravation
- Depravity
- Deprecated
- Depressed Mode
- Depressive Age
- Deprive
- Depths Of Depravity
- Der Gerwelt
- Der Weg Einer Freiheit
- Derais
- Deranged
- Derdian
- Derek Sherinian
- Derelict
- Derhead
- Derketa
- Derogatory
- Derosso
- Derozer
- Desaster
- Descend
- Descend Into Despair
- Descendents
- Descending
- Descending Darkness
- Desdemona
- Desecrate
- Desecrate The Faith
- Desecration
- Desecration (spa)
- Desecravity
- Desecresy
- Desekryptor
- Desert Near The End
- Desert Rider
- Desert Session Home Edition
- Desert Sin
- Desert Storm
- Desert Wave
- Deserted Fear
- Deshody
- Desiderii Marginis
- Design
- Design The Skyline
- Desire Before Death
- Desmadre
- Desolate Realm
- Desolate Shrine
- Desolated
- Desolation Angels
- Desolation Realm
- Desolator
- Desolus
- Despair
- Despair (ger)
- Despairation
- Despised Icon
- Despite Exile
- Despondency
- Destination 5-11
- Destinia
- Destinity
- Destiny
- Destrage
- Destroy Edgebone
- Destroy Judas
- Destroyer 666
- Destroying Divinity
- Destroying The Devoid
- Destruction
- Destruction Of A Rose
- Destructor
- Destruktor
- Desultory
- Detente
- Deteriorot
- Detestor
- Deth Crux
- Detherous
- Dethklok
- Dethrone
- Detonation
- Detonation Boulevard
- Detrimentum
- Detritus
- Deus Inversus
- Deus Mortem
- Deus Otiosus
- Deus Vermin
- Deva
- Devangelic
- Devar
- Devastating Enemy
- Devastating Light
- Devastation
- Devastation Inc.
- Devastator
- Devathorn
- Devenial Verdict
- Devian
- Deviant
- Deviant Process
- Deviant Syndrome
- Deviate Damaen
- Deviated Instinct
- Device
- Devil
- Devil City Angels
- Devil City Cult
- Devil Lee Roth
- Devil Master
- Devil Sold His Soul
- Devil Worshipper
- Devil You Know
- Devil’s Highway
- Devil’s Train
- Devildriver
- Devilicious
- Devilinside
- Devilish Impressions
- Devilment
- Devils Gift
- Devils Whorehouse
- Devilyn
- Devin Townsend
- Devine Defilement
- Devino G
- Devious
- Devious Mine
- Deviser
- Devlsy
- Devoid
- Devoid Of Thought
- Devolved
- Devotion
- Devotion (es)
- Devouring Star
- Devourment
- Dew-scented
- Dewfall
- Dewolff
- Dexter Ward
- Dezperadoz
- Dgm
- Dharma
- Dharma Storm
- Dhg
- Dhune
- Di’aul
- Dia De Los Muertos
- Diablerie
- Diablo
- Diablo Blvd
- Diablo Swing Orchestra
- Diabolic
- Diabolic Force
- Diabolic Night
- Diabolic Oath
- Diabolical
- Diabolical Masquerade
- Diabolical Minds
- Diabolicum
- Diabolizer
- Diabula Rasa
- Diabulus In Musica
- Diachronia
- Diagonal
- Diamante
- Diamond Head
- Diamond Plate
- Diamonds On Neptune
- Diana Spencer Grave Explosion
- Dianira
- Diaries Of A Hero
- Diary About My Nightmares
- Dibbukim
- Dictated
- Die
- Die Abete
- Die Apokalyptischen Reiter
- Die For My Sins
- Die Hard
- Die SÜnde
- Die Toten Kehren Mit Dem Wind
- Die Trying
- Die Verbannten Kinder Evas
- Diecast
- Diehumane
- Dieklute
- Dies Irae
- Diesanera
- Diesel Machine
- Dieth
- Difleger
- Digir Gidim
- Digitalis Purpurea
- Dignity
- Dikasterion
- Diluvian
- Dim Mak
- Dimebag Darrell
- Dimension F3h
- Dimension Zero
- Dimhav
- Dimitry Scopelliti
- Dimlight
- Dimmi Argus
- Dimmu Borgir
- Dine In Hell
- Dinosaur Jr.
- Dio
- Diocletian
- Dionysiaque
- Dionysus
- Dioramic
- Diphteria
- Dipygus
- Dir En Grey
- Dira Mortis
- Dire Peril
- Dirge
- Dirge (india)
- Dirge Within
- Dirkschneider
- Dirt
- Dirty Americans
- Dirty Deeds
- Dirty Honey
- Dirty Machine
- Dirty Rats
- Dirty Rockers
- Dirty Sanchez
- Dirty Shirley
- Dirty Thrills
- Dirtynova
- Disaffected
- Disamara
- Disarmonia
- Disarmonia Mundi
- Disarray
- Disaster K.f.w.
- Disasterhate
- Disavowed
- Disbelief
- Disbeliever
- Discharge
- Disciples Of Chaos
- Disciplinatha
- Disclose
- Discomfort
- Discordance
- Discordance Axis
- Discordant Hemispheres
- Discordia
- Disdain
- Disease
- Disease Illusion
- Disembodiment
- Disembowelment
- Disentomb
- Disfear
- Disfigured
- Disfigured Dead
- Disfiguring The Goddess
- Disgorge (mex)
- Disgorge (us)
- Disgrace
- Disguise
- Disharmonic
- Disharmonic Orchestra
- Disharmony
- Disillusion
- Disimperium
- Disincarnate
- Disintegrate
- Disinter
- Disiplin
- Diskord
- Diskreet
- Disma
- Dismal
- Dismal Faith
- Dismember
- Disnomia
- Disowned
- Disparaged
- Disperse
- Disphere
- Dispirit
- Dispnea
- Disquiet
- Disrooted
- Disrupt
- Disrupted
- Dissection
- Dissenter
- Dissidia
- Dissimulation
- Dissimulator
- Dissolve Patterns
- Distant
- Distant Landscape
- Distant Thunder
- Distillator
- Distorted
- Distorted Impalement
- Distruzione
- Distruzione Di Massa
- Disturbed
- Disturbing Foresights
- Disumana Res
- Ditz
- Divercia
- Divergent
- Divided Multitude
- Divider
- Divine Ascension
- Divine Chaos
- Divine Codex
- Divine Decay
- Divine Empire
- Divine Eve
- Divine Heresy
- Divine Rapture
- Divine Souls
- Divinefire
- Diviner
- Divinity
- Division Alpha
- Division Speed
- Divorce
- Djevel
- Djevelkult
- Dk Limb
- Dkharmakhaoz
- Do Or Die
- Dobermann
- Dobermann (it)
- Doc Holliday
- Docker’s Guild
- Doctor Butcher
- Doctor Cyclops
- Doctor Midnight & The Mercy Cult
- Dodecahedron
- Dodenbezweerder
- DÖdsrit
- Doedsmaghird
- Doedsvangr
- Dog Eat Dog
- Dog Eat Dog
- Dog Faced Gods
- Dog Fashion Disco
- Dogface
- Dogma
- Dogma(n)
- Dogmate
- Dogpound
- Dogs ‘n’ Bones
- Dogs For Breakfast
- Dogstar
- Dokken
- Dold Vorde Ens Navn
- Doldrey
- Doll
- Doll Skin
- Dolmen Gate
- Dolorian
- Dolpo
- Dom Dracul
- Domain
- Domain (usa)
- Domina Noctis
- Dominance
- Dominanz
- Domination
- Domination Black
- Domination Campaign
- Domine
- Dominhate
- Dominici
- Dominion Iii
- Dominum
- Domkraft
- Dommin
- Don Airey
- Don Broco
- Don Caballero
- Don’t Try This At Home
- Donna Cannone
- Donnybrook
- Donots
- Doodseskader
- Doodswens
- Dool
- Doom
- Doom Candy
- Doom Siren
- Doom:vs
- Doomed
- Doomed Humanity
- Doomenicus
- Doomfoxx
- Doomocracy
- Doomraiser
- Doomriders
- Doomsday
- Doomsday (california)
- Doomsday Mourning
- Doomsday Outlaw
- Doomshine
- Doomstone
- Doomsword
- Dope
- Dope D.o.d.
- Dope Stars Inc.
- Dopelord
- Dopelord
- Dopethrone
- Doppler Inc.
- Dora Maar
- Dordeduh
- Dormant Ordeal
- Dormanth
- Dormin
- Dorn
- Dornenreich
- Doro
- Dorothy
- Dosgamos
- Dotma
- Dotzauer
- Double Action
- Double Crush Syndrome
- Dowhanash
- Down
- Down ‘n’ Outz
- Down Among The Dead Men
- Down From The Wound
- Down To None
- Downfall
- Downfall Of Gaia
- Downfall Of Nur
- Downkiss
- Download Festival
- Downpour
- Downset
- Downspell
- Downswing
- Doyle
- Doyle Airence
- DØdheimsgard
- DØdsengel
- DØdsferd
- Dperd
- Dr Doom
- Dr. Acula
- Dr. Colossus
- Dr. Gore
- Dr. Living Dead!
- Dr. U
- Drabik
- Draconian
- Draconicon
- Dragged Into Sunlight
- Dragged Under
- Dragobrath
- Dragon Lord
- Dragonbreed
- Dragonforce
- Dragonhammer
- Dragonia
- Dragonknight
- Dragonland
- Dragonlord
- Dragonsfire
- Dragony
- Drain
- Drain The Dragon
- Drakkar
- Drakon Ho Megas
- Drakum
- Dramanduhr
- Drammagothica
- DrÅp
- Drastique
- Drastus
- Draugar
- Draugnim
- Draugr
- Draumar
- Drawers
- Drawing Dead
- Drawn And Quartered
- Drawn Into Descent
- Dread Sovereign
- Dreadful Fate
- Dreadnaught
- Dreadnought
- Dream Child
- Dream Death
- Dream Evil
- Dream Of Illusion
- Dream Steel
- Dream The Electric Sleep
- Dream Theater
- Dream Unending
- Dreamaker
- Dreamarcher
- Dreamgate
- Dreamhunter
- Dreaming Dead
- Dreamland
- Dreamless Veil
- Dreamlike Horror
- Dreamscape
- Dreamstate
- Dreamsteel
- Dreamtale
- Dreamyth
- Dreariness
- Dredg
- Dregen
- Dresda Code
- Dress The Dead
- Dressed To Kill
- Drifting Breed
- Driller Killer
- Dripping Decay
- Dripping Roof
- Drive Like Jehu
- Drive She Said
- Driver
- Drivhell
- Droid
- DrÖmspell
- Drone
- Drop Of Madness
- Dropdead
- Dropkick Murphys
- Dropout Kings
- Dropshard
- Drott
- Drought
- Drouth
- Drown
- Drown In Blood
- Drown In Sulphur
- Drowned
- Drowning Pool
- Drowning The Light
- Drowse
- Drudkh
- Drug Honkey
- Drugs Of Faith
- Druid Lord
- Druids
- Dry Kill Logic
- Dryom
- Dsknt
- Duality
- Dublin Death Patrol
- Duff Mckagan
- Dufresne
- Duft
- Duir
- Dukatalon
- Duke
- Dumper
- Dun Ringill
- Duncan Patterson
- Dunderbeist
- Dungeon
- Dungeon (uk)
- Dungortheb
- Dunkelgrafen
- Dunsmuir
- Dusk
- Duskmachine
- Dust Bolt
- Dust In Mind
- Dustineyes
- Dustsucker
- Dvm Spiro
- Dvne
- Dvrk
- Dyalmace
- Dyecrest
- Dying Awkward Angel
- Dying Breed
- Dying Fetus
- Dying Humanity
- Dying Out Flame
- Dying Wish
- Dymna Lotva
- Dynabyte
- Dynamic Lights
- Dynasty
- Dynazty
- Dynfari
- Dyrnwyn
- Dysangelium
- Dyscarnate
- Dysentery
- Dysfunctional By Choice
- Dyskinesia
- Dysmorfic
- Dysrhythmia
- Dysthymia
- Dystopia
- Dystopia NÅ!
- Dystopya
- Dyve
- Dz Deathrays
- Dzo-nga
- E-an-na
- E-force
- E-l-r
- E.g.o.
- Ea
- Eagle Twin
- Eagleheart
- Eagles
- Eagon
- Eard
- Eardelete
- Early Graves
- Early Man
- Earth
- Earth And Pillars
- Earth Crawler
- Earth Crisis
- Earth Divide
- Earth Electric
- Earth Rot
- Earth Ship
- Earthburner
- Earthcry
- Earthflesh
- Earthless
- Earthride
- Earthtone9
- East Of The Wall
- Eastern Front
- Eastwestline
- Eastwood
- Easy Rider
- Easy Trigger
- Eat The Gun
- Ebola
- Ebony Ark
- Ebony Tears
- Ebonylake
- Ecatonia
- Ecclesia
- Ecferus
- Echelon
- Echobrain
- Echoes In Eternity
- Echoes Of Eternity
- Echoes Of Yul
- Echolot
- Echoterra
- Echotime
- Eciton
- Eclectika
- Eclesios
- Eclipse
- Ecliptica
- Ecliptyka
- Ecnephias
- Ecocide
- Ecr.linf
- Ectoplasma
- Ectovoid
- Ed Gein
- Eddie Ojeda
- Edema
- Eden
- Eden (it)
- Eden Lost
- Eden Maine
- Eden Weint Im Grab
- Eden’s Curse
- Edenbeast
- Edenbridge
- Edenshade
- Edera
- Edge Of Ever
- Edge Of Forever
- Edge Of Paradise
- Edge Of Sanity
- Edge Of Thorns
- Edge Of Time
- Edguy
- Edran
- Edu Falaschi
- Edward De Rosa
- Edward Reekers
- Edyakaran
- Eerie
- Eeriness
- Ef
- Egart
- Egestas
- Eggs Of Gomorrh
- Ego Depths
- Ego Kill Talent
- Egoist
- Egomass
- Egosystema
- Egregore
- Egypt Central
- Ehfar
- Ehnahre
- Eibon La Furies
- Eidolon
- Eight Bells
- Eighteen Visions
- Eighties Matchbox B-line Disaster
- Eihwar
- Eikind
- Einar Solberg
- Einherjer
- EinstÜrzende Neubauten
- EÏs
- Eisblut
- Eisbrecher
- Eisen
- Eisenvater
- Eisheilig
- Eisregen
- Eithel Fuin
- Eitrin
- Ek Erilar
- Ekbom
- Eklipse
- Ekpyrosis
- Ekrom
- Ektomorf
- El Caco
- Ela
- Elarmir
- Elder
- Elder Devil
- Elderblood
- Elderseer
- Eldertale
- Eldkraft
- Eldritch
- Eleanora
- Electric Age
- Electric Boys
- Electric Callboy
- Electric Citizen
- Electric Earth
- Electric Mary
- Electric Mob
- Electric Moon
- Electric Octopus
- Electric Radio Kings
- Electric Sarajevo
- Electric Wizard
- Electrocution
- Elegacy
- Elegance Decay
- Elegant Weapons
- Elegeion
- Elegy
- Elegy Of Madness
- Eleim
- Eleine
- Elektradrive
- Element
- Element Of Chaos
- Element X
- Elend
- Elenium
- Elephante
- Elettra Storm
- Elevators To The Grateful Sky
- Eleventh Hour
- Elffor
- Eli
- Eligor
- Eliminate
- Eliminate
- Eliminator
- Elis
- Elitaria
- Elite
- Elitist
- Elitist (dk)
- Elitist (l.a.)
- Elivagar
- Elixir
- Elks
- Ellende
- Elli De Mon
- Elm Street
- Elodea
- Elsewhere
- Eluveitie
- Elvellon
- Elvenking
- Elvira Madigan
- Elwing
- Elyne
- Elyose
- Elysia
- Elysian Blaze
- Elysium
- Emancer
- Emanuel
- Emanuele Caldara
- Emasculator
- Emberfrost
- Embers
- Embitter
- Embrace
- Embrace Of Disharmony
- Embrace Of Souls
- Embrace Of Thorns
- Embrional
- Embryo
- Embryonic Depravity
- Embryonic Devourment
- Emerald Rain
- Emerald Sun
- Emergency Gate
- Emery
- Emeth
- Emigrate
- Emil Bulls
- Eminence
- Emir Hot
- Emissary
- Emma Ruth Rundle
- Emmablu
- Emmure
- Emolecule
- Emperor
- Empire
- Empire Auriga
- Empire Of Rats
- Empire Of The Moon
- Empire State Bastard
- Empires Of Eden
- Employed To Serve
- Empress
- Emptiness
- Empty
- Empty Instants
- Empty Tremor
- Emptymist
- Empyrios
- Empyrium
- Emrevoid
- En Declin
- En Minor
- En Nihil
- Enabler
- Enbound
- Enchant
- Enchantment
- Encircling Sea
- Encoffination
- Encryptment
- End
- End (gr)
- End Of A Season
- End Of Days
- End Of Everything
- End Of Green
- End Of Level Boss
- End Reign
- Endaemona
- Endeverafter
- Endezzma
- Ending Quest
- Endless
- Endless Chain
- Endless Coma
- Endless Forms Most Gruesome
- Endless Loss
- Endless Main
- Endless Pain
- Endname
- Endon
- Endonomos
- Endoras
- Endorphine
- Endovein
- Endseeker
- Endstand
- Endstille
- Endtime
- Endwave
- Endwell
- Enema
- Enemipidi
- Enemy Inside
- Enemy Is Us
- Enemy Of Myself
- Enemy Of The Sun
- Enemy Remains
- Enemy Soil
- Enemynside
- Energy
- Energy Of The Elements
- Eneth
- Enevelde
- Enforced
- Enforcer
- Enforces
- Enforsaken
- Engel
- Engine
- Engine Driven Cultivators
- Engine Of Pain
- Engorged
- Engorgement
- Engrained
- Engulf
- Engulfed
- Enid
- Enidd
- Enio Nicolini
- Enio Nicolini And The Otron
- Enisum
- Enmity
- Ennui
- Enoch
- Enoch (mi)
- Enochian Crescent
- Enochian Theory
- Enon Chapel
- Enough To Kill
- Ensanguinate
- Ensemble Pearl
- Enshadowed
- Enshrined
- Ensiferum
- Ensight
- Enslaved
- Ensnared
- Ensoph
- Entail
- Entartung
- Enter My Silence
- Enter Shikari
- Enterprise Earth
- Enth
- Entheos
- Enthral
- Enthrallment
- Enthroned
- Enthroning Silence
- Entirety
- Entombed
- Entombed A.d.
- Entrails
- Entrapment
- Entropia
- Entropia (pol)
- Entwine
- Enuff Z’nuff
- Envenomed
- Envinya
- Envision
- Envy
- Enzo And The Glory Ensemble
- Eoront
- Eosphoros
- Eostenem
- Ephedra
- Ephel Duath
- Ephemeral
- Ephemerald
- Ephemeros
- Ephrat
- Ephyra
- Epica
- Epiclore
- Epicurean
- Epistasis
- Epistheme
- Epitaph
- Epitaphe
- Epochate
- Epping Forest
- Epsilon
- Eptagon
- Epysode
- Equilibrium
- Era Of Disgust
- Era Vulgaris
- Eradication
- Erase
- Eraser
- Eravian
- Erdve
- Ereb Altor
- Eregion
- Eremit
- Eremite
- Eresia
- Ergholae Somptator
- Ergot
- Eric Castiglia
- Eric Clapton
- Eric Clayton And The Nine
- Eric Johnson
- Eric Martin
- Eric Sardinas
- Eric Singer Project
- Eric Wagner
- Erich Zann
- Eridanus
- Erika
- Erimha
- Erimha
- Erlen Meyer
- Erling Solem
- Ernia
- Erode
- Eroded
- Erodes
- Erosion
- Erra
- Error
- Ershetu
- Eruption
- Eryn Non Dae.
- Erythroxylon
- Esben And The Witch
- Escape The Fate
- Escapeinout
- Escarnium
- Escatology
- Escuela Grind
- EscumergamËnt
- Escutcheon
- Esequiem
- Eskeype
- Eskhaton
- Eskimada
- Eskimo Callboy
- Esoctrilihum
- Esogenesi
- Esoteric
- Esoterica
- Esp
- Esqarial
- Essence
- Essence Of Datum
- Essence Of Sorrow
- Essenz
- Essenza
- Estampida
- Estate
- Estrangement
- Et Moriemur
- Eterna
- Eternal Champion
- Eternal Darkness
- Eternal Deformity
- Eternal Delyria
- Eternal Dream
- Eternal Evil
- Eternal Flight
- Eternal Gate
- Eternal Gray
- Eternal Idol
- Eternal Lord
- Eternal Majesty
- Eternal Oath
- Eternal Reign
- Eternal Rest
- Eternal Silence
- Eternal Sleep
- Eternal Storm
- Eternal Tears Of Sorrow
- Eternal White Trees
- Eternity
- Eternity’s End
- Ether Coven
- Ethere
- Ethereal Flames
- Etherna
- Ethernity
- Ethersens
- Ethir Anduin
- Eths
- Etrusgrave
- Eucharist
- Eudaimony
- Eufory
- Euglena
- Eunomia
- Euphoric Defilement
- Eureka
- Europe
- Eurynome
- Eurynomos
- Eva Can’t
- Eva Under Fire
- Evadne
- Evanescence
- Evangelist
- Even
- Even Flow
- Even Flowers Kill
- Even Vast
- Evendim
- Evenfall
- Evenoire
- Event
- Event Horizon
- Eventide
- Ever-frost
- Everdawn
- Evereve
- Everfrost
- Evergaze Eternity
- Evergreen Terrace
- Evergrey
- Everlasting
- Evermore
- Evershine
- Eversin
- Every Reason To…
- Every Time I Die
- Everything Burns
- Everything For Some
- Everything Went Black
- Evestus
- Evidence
- Evidence One
- Evig Natt
- Evil Army
- Evil Bards
- Evil Drive
- Evil Invaders
- Evil Lucifera
- Evil Masquerade
- Evil Revenant
- Evil Scarecrow
- Evil Spell
- Evil Wings
- Evildead
- Evildoer
- Evile
- Evilfire
- Evilheart
- Evilizers
- Eviscerate
- Evisorax
- Evocation
- Evohe
- Evoked Eclipse
- Evoken
- Evolution
- Evulse
- Ewig Frost
- Ewigheim
- Ewigkeit
- Ex Deo
- Ex Eye
- Ex-trim
- Exalt Cycle
- Exaltation
- Exanimis
- Exarsis
- Exawatt
- Excalibur
- Excalion
- Excarnated Entity
- Excidium
- Exciter
- Excruciation
- Excuse
- Execration
- Exedra
- Exeloume
- Exence
- Exes For Eyes
- Exgenesis
- Exhale
- Exhibition
- Exhorder
- Exhumation
- Exhumed
- Exhumer
- Exiled On Earth
- Exilia
- Eximperituserqethhzebibsiptugakkathsulweliarzaxulum
- Exist
- Existance
- Exit Eden
- Exitium
- Exivious
- Exmortem
- Exmortus
- Exnun
- Exocrine
- Exodus
- Exorcist
- Exordium Mors
- Exotheria
- Exotherm
- Expander
- Experiment Sound Project
- Expire
- Explorer
- Explosicum
- Expulsion
- Expulsion (usa)
- Expurgate
- Exsecrator
- Exsom
- Exterminas
- Extermination Order
- Extinction
- Extinction A.d.
- Extinction Level Event
- Extinguish
- Extirpation
- Extol
- Extrahell
- Extrema
- Extreme
- Extreme Cold Winter
- Extreme Noise Terror
- Extreme O.d.
- Extremities
- Extremity
- Exultet
- Exumer
- Exxplorer
- Eye
- Eye For An Eye
- Eye Of Solitude
- Eye Of The Enemy
- Eye Of The Golem
- Eyeconoclast
- Eyefear
- Eyehate
- Eyehategod
- Eyelash
- Eyelids
- Eyes Front North
- Eyes N’ Lips
- Eyes Of Eden
- Eyes Of Fire
- Eyes Of Pain
- Eyes Of Shiva
- Eyes Of Soul
- Eyes Set To Kill
- Eyes Wide Open
- Ezoo
- F.k.Ü.
- F.o.b.
- F5
- Faal
- Fabio La Manna
- Fabio Zuffanti
- Fabricant
- Face Down
- Face Of Oblivion
- Face The Fact
- Face To Face
- Face Without Fear
- Face Your Enemy
- Facebreaker
- Faced Out
- Facedowninshit
- Faceless Burial
- Faceless Entity
- Faceshift
- Facing The Oracle
- Fact
- Factory Of Art
- Fadead
- Faded
- Fading Waves
- Faida
- Faidra
- Fair To Midland
- Fair Warning
- Fairyland
- Faith
- Faith And Fire
- Faith No More
- Faithful Darkness
- Faithfull
- Faithsedge
- Fake Figures
- Fake Healer
- Fake Heroes
- Fake Idols
- Fake Idyll
- Fake Names
- Fake The Face
- Fakir Thongs
- Falaise
- Falchion
- Falconer
- Falhena
- Falkenbach
- Fall Behind
- Fall City Fall
- Fall Of Darkness
- Fall Of Efrafa
- Fall Of Empyrean
- Fall Of Minerva
- Fall Of Serenity
- Fall Of The Idols
- Fall Of The Leafe
- Fall Out Boy
- Fall Ov Serafim
- Fallbrawl
- Fallen
- Fallen Angels
- Fallen Arise
- Fallen Fucking Angels
- Fallen Sanctuary
- Fallen Sentinel
- Falling Giant
- Falling In Reverse
- Falling Silence
- Falloch
- Fallout H.r.
- Falls Of Rauros
- Fallujah
- False
- False Fed
- False Memories
- Family
- Family Devotion Murder
- Faminehill
- Famishgod
- Famyne
- Fange
- Fangs Of The Molossus
- Fangtooth
- Fantasmi Dal Futuro
- Fantômas
- Far Beyond
- Farer
- Farewell To Arms
- Farewell To Freeway
- Farewell To Words
- Farmakon
- Farmer Boys
- Farmikos
- Faro
- Farsot
- Farther Paint
- Faster Pussycat
- Fastway
- Fat Nancy
- Fatal Attraction
- Fatal Damenor
- Fatal Embrace
- Fatal Force
- Fatal Impact
- Fatal Smile
- Fatal Vision
- Fatalist
- Fate
- Fate (us)
- Fate Unburied
- Fate’s Hand
- Fates Warning
- Father Befouled
- Father Golem
- Father Murphy
- Fathomless Ritual
- Fato
- Fatty Chaos
- Fatum Aeternum
- Fatum Elisum
- Faulnis
- Faun
- Faust
- Faust Again
- Faustcoven
- Fawn Limbs
- Fda
- Feanor
- Fear And The Nervous System
- Fear Before The March Of Flames
- Fear Factory
- Fear My Thoughts
- Fear Of Domination
- Fear Of Eternity
- Fear Of God
- Fear The Sirens
- Fearbringer
- Feared
- Fearless Vampire Killers
- Fearytales
- Feast For The Crows
- Feastem
- Feculent
- Feed Her To The Sharks
- Feed The Rhino
- Feed Them Death
- Feinstein
- Fejd
- Feldgrau
- Feldspar
- Felgrave
- Feline Melinda
- Fell Ruin
- Fell Voices
- Fellowship
- Fellwarden
- Felon
- Felony
- Femacoffin
- Fen
- Fenisia
- Fer De Lance
- Feral
- Feral Forms
- Feral Light
- Feral Season
- Feralia
- Feretri
- Ferocity
- Ferrigno-leal-kuprij
- Ferriterium
- Ferum
- Fessus
- Festerday
- Festerdecay
- Festering Disgust
- Festung Nebelburg
- Fetal Blood Eagle
- Fetid
- Fetocide
- Feuerschwanz
- Fever 333
- Fhoi Myore
- Fiaba
- Fianna
- Fiction Plane
- Fides Inversa
- Fields Of Jena
- Fields Of Mildew
- Fields Of The Nephilim
- Fierce
- Fifth Angel
- Fifth To Infinity
- Fight
- Fight Amp
- Fight Or Flight
- Fightcast
- Fighting With Wire
- Figure Of Six
- Fil Di Ferro
- Filippo Bellavia & B. Street Band
- Filter
- Filth In My Garage
- Filth Is Eternal
- Filthy Sunday Circus
- Fimbulthier
- Fimbultyr
- Fimbulvet
- Final Breath
- Final Chapter
- Final Cry
- Final Dawn
- Final Depravity
- Final Fright
- Final Frontier
- Final Gasp
- Final Light
- Final Prayer
- Final Solution
- Final Stage
- Finality
- Finch
- Find Me
- Fine 99
- Fine Before You Came
- Fine99
- Fingernails
- Finish Him!
- Finnr’s Cane
- Finntroll
- Finnugor
- Finsterforst
- Fir Bolg
- Firbholg
- Fire For Effect
- Fire From The Gods
- Fire Of Destiny
- Fire Trails
- Fireball Ministry
- Firebird
- Fireborn
- Firebreather
- Firefly
- Fireforce
- Firehouse
- Fires In The Distance
- Firespawn
- Firestorm
- Firewind
- Firmament
- First Blood
- First Fragment
- First Reason
- First Shot
- First Signal
- Firstborne
- Firtan
- Fister
- Fit For A King
- Fit For An Autopsy
- Fiume Nero
- Five Finger Death Punch
- Five Minutes Hate
- Five Pointe O
- Five The Hierophant
- Five Ways To Nowhere
- Fixation
- Fjoergyn
- Flagellated Seraph
- Flagellation
- Flagship
- Flamekeeper
- Flames Of Fire
- Flashback Of Anger
- Flat Black
- Flat Earth
- Fleetburner
- Fleetwood Mac
- Flemt
- Flesh
- Flesh Consumed
- Flesh Divine
- Flesh Made Sin
- Flesh Megalith
- Fleshblade
- Fleshbore
- Fleshcrawl
- Fleshgod Apocalypse
- Fleshgore
- Fleshgrind
- Fleshless
- Fleshpress
- Fleshred
- Fleshrot
- Fleshvessel
- Fleshwrought
- Fleurety
- Flidais
- Flight
- Floating
- Flogging Molly
- Floodgate
- Floodstain
- Floor
- Flotsam And Jetsam
- Flourishing
- Flow
- Flower Flesh
- Flower Travellin’ Band
- Flowers In Dark
- Flowing Tears
- Flu!
- Fluids
- Fluisteraars
- Flukt
- Flying Colors
- Flying Disk
- Flying Disk
- Fm
- Focus
- Focus Indulgens
- Foetal Juice
- Fog
- Fogalord
- Folge Dem Wind
- Folkearth
- Folkstone
- Follow The Cipher
- Following The Fool
- Folterkammer
- Fomento
- Foo Fighters
- Foobar The Band
- Fools’ Moon
- For All Those Sleeping
- For All We Know
- For My Demons
- For My Pain…
- For Ruin
- For The Fallen Dreams
- For The Glory
- For The Imperium
- For The Storms
- For Today
- Forbidden
- Forbidden Seasons
- Force Majeure
- Force Of Evil
- Forced Order
- Forcefed Horsehead
- Forcentury
- Forces
- Fordomth
- Foredawn
- Forefather
- Foreign
- Foreign Hands
- Foreign Pain
- Foreigner
- Foreseen
- Forest Of Impaled
- Forest Of Shadows
- Forest Silence
- Forest Stream
- Forest Yell
- Foret D’orient
- Forever Falling
- Forever In Terror
- Forever Never
- Forever Slave
- Forever Still
- Forged In Blood
- Forgery
- Forgery System
- Forget To Forgive
- Forgetting The Memories
- FÖrgjord
- Forgotten Land
- Forgotten Light
- Forgotten Silence
- Forgotten Sunrise
- Forgotten Tears
- Forgotten Tomb
- Forgotten Winter
- Forgotten Woods
- Forhist
- Forlesen
- Forlorn Path
- Forlorn Seas
- Forlorn World
- Formalist
- Formicarius
- Formless Oedon
- Formloff
- FÓrn
- Fornace
- ForrÅtnelse
- Forsaken
- Forsman
- Forteresse
- Fortid
- Fortvilelse
- Forty Deuce
- Forty Winks
- Fosch
- Foscor
- Fossilization
- Fountain Of Tears
- Four Seconds Ago
- Four Stroke Baron
- Fourth Monarchy
- Foxy Shazam
- Fozzy
- Fractal Gates
- Fractal Generator
- Fractal Universe
- Fractured Insanity
- Fragile Hollow
- Fragile Mortals
- Fragment
- Fragments Of Lost Memories
- Fragments Of Unbecoming
- Fragore
- Frailty
- Frames
- Frameshift
- Francesco Fareri
- Francesco Marras
- Frangar
- Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes
- Frank Marino & Mahogany Rush
- Frank Sabbath
- Frank&stein
- Frantic Amber
- Frantic Bleep
- Fratelli Calafuria
- Fratello Metallo
- Frayle
- Freak Kitchen
- Fredag Den 13:e
- Freddy Delirio And The Phantoms
- Frederiksen / Denander
- FredlÖs
- Free Key Bit Chess
- Free Reign
- Freedom Call
- Freedom Slaves
- Freedoms Reign
- Freighter
- Freitod
- Frentrum
- Frenzal Rhomb
- Frequency
- Freternia
- Freya
- Friday Night Boys
- Friends Of Hell
- Friendship
- Frightful
- Friisk
- Frizzi2fulci
- Frog Leap
- Frogg
- From A Nightmare
- From A Second Story Window
- From Ashes Rise
- From Ashes To New
- From Autumn To Ashes
- From Behind
- From Fall To Spring
- From First To Last
- From Hell
- From Mind To Hands
- From Oceans To Autumn
- From Sorrow To Serenity
- From The Depth
- From The Dust Returned
- From The Inside
- From The Shores
- From The Vastland
- Front
- Frontierer
- Frontline
- Frontside
- Frost
- Frost*
- Frostmoon Eclipse
- Frostmourne
- Frostvore
- Frozen Caress
- Frozen Crown
- Frozen Hell
- Frozen Land
- Frozen Shadows
- Frozen Soul
- Frozen Tears
- Frustration
- Fu Manchu
- Fuath
- Fubar
- Fuck The Facts
- Fuck Your Shadow From Behind
- Fucktory-x
- Fuckushima Lager
- Fuel From Hell
- Fuelblooded
- Fueled By Fire
- Fugitive
- Fulci
- Full Blown Chaos
- Full Devil Jacket
- Full Effect
- Full Force
- Full Leather Jackets
- Full Moon
- Full Moon Ritual
- Full Of Hell
- Full Strike
- Fumes Of Decay
- Fuming Mouth
- Funebrarum
- Funebris
- Funera Edo
- Funeral
- Funeral (swe)
- Funeral Chant
- Funeral Chasm
- Funeral Chic
- Funeral Circle
- Funeral Fog
- Funeral For A Friend
- Funeral Harvest
- Funeral Leech
- Funeral Mantra
- Funeral Marmoori
- Funeral Mist
- Funeral Moth
- Funeral Oration
- Funeral Pile
- Funeral Rape
- Funeral Storm
- Funeral Whore
- Funeralia
- Funeralium
- Funerary
- Funereal Presence
- Funeris Nocturnum
- Funerus
- Funest
- Funny Money
- Fuoco Fatuo
- Fuoco Fatuo (va)
- Fuoriluogo
- Fuoriuso
- Furbowl
- Furia
- Furia (pol)
- Furious Barking
- Furis Ignis
- Furor Gallico
- Fury
- Fury ‘n’ Grace
- Fury (uk)
- Furyon
- Furze
- Future Is Tomorrow
- Future Of The Left
- Fuzz Fuzz Machine
- Fvneral Fvkk
- Fvnerals
- Fyrnask
- G.b.h.
- G.l.a.s.
- G.o.d.
- G.o.l.e.m.
- G3
- Gaahls Wyrd
- Gabriele Bellini
- Gabriels
- Gadget
- GaË Bolg
- Gaerea
- Gaia Epicus
- Gairo
- Galactic Empire
- Galadriel
- Galar
- Galderia
- Galera
- Gallhammer
- Galli Jacopo
- Gallkrist
- Galloglass
- Gallows
- Galneryus
- Galvanizer
- Gama Bomb
- Gambale/holdsworth
- Game Over
- Gamma Ray
- Gandalf
- Gandhi’s Gunn
- Gang Bang
- Ganondorf
- Gaoled
- Garagedays
- Garaliya
- Garden Of Eden
- Gardenian
- Gardenjia
- Gardens Of Grief
- Gargantua
- Gargoyl
- Garoted
- Gary Hughes
- Gasguzzler
- Gatecreeper
- Gatekeeper
- Gates Of Doom
- Gates Of Ishtar
- Gates To Hell
- Gateway
- Gathering Of Kings
- Gaupa
- Gawither
- Gaza
- Gazpacho
- Gbh
- Gehenna
- Gehenna (usa)
- Gehennah
- Gehtika
- Geibel
- Geist
- Gel
- Geld
- Gemini Syndrome
- Geminy
- Gene Simmons
- General Chaos
- General Stratocuster And The Marshals
- General Surgery
- Generation Kill
- Generation Of Vipers
- Generation Steel
- Generation.on.dope
- Genesis
- Genghis Tron
- Gengis Khan
- Genital Grinder
- Genius, A Rock Opera
- Genocide
- Genocide Pact
- Gentlemans Pistols
- Gentlemans Pistols
- Gentrification
- Genus Ordinis Dei
- Geoff Tate
- Geoff Tate’s Queensryche
- Geometry Of Chaos
- George Bellas
- George Hennig
- George Kollias
- George Lynch’s Souls Of We
- Gerda
- Gergovia
- Germ
- Gernotshagen
- Geryon
- Geschlecht
- Gespenst
- Gespenst
- Get The Shot
- Gets Worse
- Gevurah
- Gezora
- Gf93
- Gggolddd
- Ghastly
- Ghold
- Ghost
- Ghost Bath
- Ghost Brigade
- Ghost City
- Ghost Iris
- Ghost Machinery
- Ghost Of Mary
- Ghost On Mars
- Ghost Ship Octavius
- Ghostemane
- Ghostheart Nebula
- Ghostly Aerie Coven
- Ghostrider
- Ghosts Of Atlantis
- Ghoul
- Ghoulgotha
- Ghouls
- GhØstkid
- Giacomo Castellano
- Gianluca Ferro
- Gianluca Magri
- Giant
- Giant Sleep
- Giant Squid
- Giant-x
- Giants On Jupiter
- Gideon
- Gif From God
- Gift Giver
- Gift Of Gods
- Gigan
- Giliberto
- Gilla Bruja
- Gio C
- Giobia
- Giordano Boncompagni
- Giorgio Rovati
- Giraffe Tongue Orchestra
- Girish And The Chronicles
- Girl
- Girl Band
- Girlschool
- Giuntini Project
- Giuseppe Zaupa
- Give Up The Ghost
- Giver
- Givre
- Gizmachi
- Gjallarhorn
- Gjenferdsel
- Glacial Fear
- Glacial Tomb
- Glacier
- Gladenfold
- Gladio
- Glamour Of The Kill
- Glances
- Glare Of The Sun
- Glass Casket
- Glasseater
- Glassjaw
- Glasya
- Glemsel
- Glen Burtnik
- Glenn Hughes
- Glerakur
- Gli Alberi
- Gli Atroci
- Glittertind
- Gloomball
- Gloomy Grim
- Gloomy Sunday
- Gloria Morti
- Glorior Belli
- Glorious Depravity
- Glory Of The Supervenient
- Gloryful
- Gloryhammer
- Gloryhole Murder
- Gloson
- Gluecifer
- Glyder
- Gnaw
- Gnaw Their Tongues
- GnipahÅlan
- Gnosis
- Gnostic
- Go Ahead And Die
- Goad
- Goat Horn
- Goat The Head
- Goat Torment
- Goat Vomit Noise
- Goatburner
- Goatcraft
- Goatess
- Goath
- Goatholocaust
- Goatlord Corp.
- Goatpsalm
- Goatsnake
- Goatwhore
- Goblin Rebirth
- Goblins Blade
- God
- God Alone
- God Among Insects
- God Damn
- God Damn (uk)
- God Dethroned
- God Disease
- God Eat God
- God Forbid
- God Forsaken
- God Is An Astronaut
- God Lives Underwater
- God Macabre
- God Mother
- God Of Atheists
- God Save The Hell
- God Seed
- God Watt Redemption
- God.fear.none
- God’s Hate
- Goddess Of Desire
- Goddess Shiva
- GÖden
- Godflesh
- Godgory
- Godhate
- Godhatecode
- Godhead
- Godiva
- Godkiller
- Godless Crusade
- Godless Rising
- Godless Truth
- Gods Forsaken
- Gods Of Fire
- Gods Of Metal
- Godsic
- Godsized
- Godskill
- Godsleep
- Godsmack
- Godspeed You! Black Emperor
- Godsplague
- Godthrymm
- GodÜs
- Godwatt
- Godyva
- Goemagot
- Gojira
- Gold
- Gold Spire
- Golden Ashes
- Golden Core
- Golden Dawn
- Golden Resurrection
- Golden Rusk
- Golden Sextion
- Goldenseed
- Golem (ger)
- Golem (ita)
- Golem Of Gore
- Golgotha
- Golgothan Remains
- Gollum
- Golpe
- Golthoth
- Gomorra
- Gone In April
- Gone Is Gone
- Gong
- Gonin-ish
- Good Charlotte
- Good Riddance
- Goodbye Kings
- Goodtime Boys
- Goran D. Sanchez
- Gorath
- Goratory
- Gordian Knot
- Gore.
- Goreaphobia
- Gorefest
- Goregang
- GoregӒng
- Gorement
- Gorephilia
- Gorerotted
- Goretrade
- Gorevent
- Gorezone
- Gorganera
- Gorgasm
- Gorgon
- Gorgonea Prima
- Gorgoroth
- Gorgosaur
- Gorguts
- Gorilla Biscuits
- Gorilla Monsoon
- Gorod
- Gorrch
- Gort
- Gory Blister
- Gory Delivery
- Gosforth
- Gospel Of The Horns
- Gospelheim
- Gost
- GÖsta Berlings Saga
- Gosudar
- Gothic Knights
- Gothic Stone
- Gothminister
- Gotho
- Gotland
- Gottesmorder
- Gotthard
- Gouge
- Gout
- Gozu
- Gps
- Gr3ta
- GrÁ
- Graal
- Grabak
- GrabnebelfÜrsten
- Grace Disgraced
- Grace Will Fall
- Graftage
- Grafvitnir
- Graham Bonnet Band
- Grails
- Grand Cadaver
- Grand Collapse
- Grand Funk Railroad
- Grand Harvest
- Grand Lux
- Grand Magus
- Grand Supreme Blood Court
- Grandexit
- Granitader
- Grant The Sun
- Grantig
- Graphic Nature
- Graspop Metal Meeting
- Graupel
- Grava
- Gravdal
- Grave
- Grave (it)
- Grave Circles
- Grave Desecrator
- Grave Digger
- Grave Flowers
- Grave Infestation
- Grave Maker
- Grave Miasma
- Grave Pleasures
- Grave Ritual
- Grave T
- Grave Upheaval
- Graveborne
- Gravecode Nebula
- Gravecrusher
- Gravehill
- Graveland
- Gravelust
- Graven
- Graven Image
- Graven Sin
- Gravenoire
- Gravery
- Graves
- Graves At Sea
- Graves Of Valor
- Gravesend
- Gravesite
- Gravestone
- Gravety
- Graveworm
- Graveyard
- Graveyard (swe)
- Graveyard Dirt
- Graveyard Of Souls
- Graveyhard
- Graviton
- Gravpel
- Gray State
- Grayceon
- Great American Ghost
- Great Grief
- Great Leap Skyward
- Great Master
- Great White
- Greedy Mistress
- Greeley Estates
- Green
- Green Carnation
- Green Day
- Green Dollar Colour
- Green Druid
- Green Jelly
- Green Lung
- Greenfly
- Greenleaf
- Greg Puciato
- Grendel
- Grendel’s SŸster
- Grenouer
- Greta Van Fleet
- Greve
- Grevia
- Grey
- Grey [ger]
- Grey Aura
- Grey Daze
- Grey Monday
- Grey Skies Fallen
- Grey Waters
- Greybeard
- Greyfell
- Greyhawk
- Greyswan
- Grid
- Gridfailure
- Gridiron
- Gridlink
- Grief Collector
- Grief Of Emerald
- Grief Symposium
- Griefbringer
- Grieve
- Grieved
- Griever
- Grievers
- Griffin
- Griffon
- Grift
- Griftegard
- Grigorien
- Grim
- Grim Drowsiness
- Grim Fate
- Grim Monolith
- Grim Reaper
- Grima
- Grimace Gall
- Grimbane
- Grime
- Grimfaith
- Grimfist
- Grimgotts
- Grimlock
- Grimm
- Grimmark
- Grimner
- Grimness
- Grimness 69
- Grimnir
- Grimwald
- Grin In Fear
- Grind Inc.
- Grind Zero
- Grind-o-matic
- Grinning Shadows
- Grip Inc.
- Gris
- Grond
- Groove Anger
- Grorr
- Ground Control
- Grown Below
- Groza
- Gruesome
- Gruesome (usa)
- Gruesome Stuff Relish
- Grumo
- Grymheart
- Guano Apes
- Guardiani Di Frontiera
- Guardians Of Time
- Gudars Skymning
- Guernica
- Guido Campiglio
- Guillemots
- Guillotine
- Guillotine (swe)
- Guilt Trip
- Guiltless
- Guilty Method
- Guineapig
- Gum
- Gun
- Gun Barrel
- Gunfire
- Gunjack
- Guns N’ Roses
- Gunship
- Gurd
- Guru Of Darkness
- Gus G.
- Gutless
- Gutter Instinct
- Guttural
- Guttural Secrete
- Gutvoid
- Gutworm
- Gwar
- Gwen Stacy
- Gwydion
- Gypsyhawk
- Gyze
- Gzr
- H-blockx
- H-george
- H.a.r.e.m.
- H.e.a.t.
- H.o.s.
- H2o
- Haar
- Haarp
- Haavard
- Habitants
- Hacavitz
- Hackneyed
- Hacktivist
- Hacride
- Hadal
- Haddah
- Hadens
- Hades
- Hades Almighty
- Hadit
- Haemophagus
- Haemorrhage
- Haemoth
- Haeresiarchs Of Dis
- Haeresys
- Hagane
- Hagel
- Haggard
- Haiduk
- Haiku Funeral
- Hail
- Hail Of Bullets
- Hail Spirit Noir
- Hail The Horns
- Hail!hornet
- Haima
- Haive
- Haken
- Halcyon Days
- Halcyon Way
- Halestorm
- Half Me
- Half Visible Presence
- Half.past.moho
- Halford
- Hall Aflame
- HÄllas
- Hallatar
- Halley
- Hallowed Butchery
- Halloween
- Hallows Eve
- Hallucinate
- Halluxvalgus
- Halo
- Halo Of Gunfire
- Halo Of Shadows
- Halocene
- Hamelin
- HamferÐ
- Hamlet
- Hammer
- Hammer Horde
- Hammer King
- Hammercult
- Hammered
- Hammerfall
- Hammerfest
- Hammerfilosofi
- Hammers Of Misfortune
- HÅn
- Hanabie.
- Hand Of Kalliach
- Hand Of Mercy
- Hand To Hand
- Handful Of Hate
- Hands
- Hands Of Goro
- Hands Of Orlac
- Handsome
- Hang The Bastard
- Hangar
- Hangarvain
- Hanger Theory
- Hanghedief
- Hanging Garden
- Hangman’s Chair
- Hangman’s Chair
- Hangnail
- Hangover Hero
- Hank Von Hell
- Hanker
- Hannes Grossmann
- Hannya
- Hanoi Rocks
- Hanormale
- Hansen & Friends
- Hapax
- Happy Days
- Happy The Man
- Har
- Harakiri For The Sky
- Hard Riot
- Hard-ons
- Hardcore Superstar
- Hardline
- Hardraw
- Harem Scarem
- Hark
- Harkane
- Harkonin
- Harlots
- Harlott
- Harm
- Harm (de)
- Harm’s Way
- Harmonic Generator
- Harmony
- Harmony Dies
- Harms Way
- Harpazo
- Harpies
- Harrowed
- Hartmann
- Harvestman
- Harvey Milk
- Haste
- Haste The Day
- Hastur
- Hasturian Vigil
- Hatchet
- Hate
- Hate (ita)
- Hate & Merda
- Hate Eternal
- Hate Forest
- Hate Gallery
- Hate Giving Day
- Hate Inc.
- Hate Manifesto
- Hate Meditation
- Hate Profile
- Hate Squad
- Hate Tyler
- Hatebeak
- Hatebreed
- Hateful
- Haterush
- Hatescream
- Hatesower
- Hatesphere
- Hatework
- Hateworld
- Hath
- Hatred
- Hatred (ger)
- Hatred (ita)
- Hatriot
- Hauling The Cinder
- Haunt
- Haunted
- Haunted Plasma
- Haunted Shores
- Haunter
- Haunter
- Hauntologist
- Hauteville
- Havayoth
- Have Heart
- Haven
- Haven Denied
- Havet
- Havok
- Havok (usa)
- Havukruunu
- Hawk
- Hawk Eyes
- Hawkwind
- Hawthorne Heights
- HÄxanu
- HÄxenzijrkell
- HÄxkapell
- Hayseed Dixie
- Hdk
- He Is Legend
- Head
- Head Control System
- Head In Pollution
- Head Of The Demon
- Headbussa
- Headhunter
- Headless
- Headquakes
- Heads For The Dead
- Headspace
- Headspeed
- Healt
- Health
- Healthy Therapy
- Hearse
- Heart Failure
- Heart Healer
- Heart In Hand
- Heart Of A Coward
- Heartache
- Heartbreak Radio
- Heartist
- Heartless
- Heartsick
- Heathen
- Heathen Deity
- Heathen Foray
- Heathen Rites
- Heathendom
- Heavatar
- Heaven & Earth
- Heaven Ablaze
- Heaven And Hell
- Heaven Denies
- Heaven In Her Arms
- Heaven Shall Burn
- Heaven’s Basement
- Heaven’s Cry
- Heaven’s Gate
- Heavenblack
- Heavenfall
- Heavenlust
- Heavenly
- Heavenshine
- Heavenwood
- Heaving Earth
- Heavy Guitars
- Heavy Heavy Low Low
- Heavy House
- Heavy Load
- Heavy Lord
- Heavy Metal Kids
- Heavy//hitter
- Heavydeath
- Hecate
- Hecate Enthroned
- Hectic Patterns
- Heddy Metal Society
- Hedfirst
- Heed
- Heel
- Hegemon
- Hegemone
- Heiden
- Heidevolk
- Heidra
- Heights
- Heil To The Empire
- Heilung
- Heimdall
- Heimdalls Wacht
- Heimland
- Heimsgard
- Heinous Killings
- Heir Apparent
- Heiress
- Helel
- Helengard
- Helevorn
- Helfhart
- Helfir
- HelfrÓ
- Helga
- Helheim
- Helhorse
- Helikon
- Helion
- Helion Prime
- Helker
- Hell
- Hell (usa)
- Hell Baron’s Wrath
- Hell Done
- Hell Fire
- Hell In The Club
- Hell Is Other People
- Hell Militia
- Hell Muñeco
- Hell N’ Diesel
- Hell Night
- Hell Obelisco
- Hell Riders
- Hell Strike
- Hell United
- Hell Within
- Hell-born
- Hell:on
- Hell’s Crows
- Hell’s Domain
- Hell’s Guardian
- Hell’s Thrash Horsemen
- Hellbastard
- Hellbomb
- Hellbringer
- Hellbutcher
- Hellcircles
- Hellcrash
- Hellebaard
- Heller
- Hellettrik
- Hellfest
- Hellfire Society
- Hellfox
- Hellfrost & Fire
- Hellfueled
- Hellgeist
- Hellhammer
- Hellhound
- Helligators
- Hellion
- Hellish
- Hellish God
- Hellish Outcast
- Helllight
- Hellmetall
- Hellmouth
- Helloween
- Hellraiser
- Hellraisers
- Hellripper
- Hellryder
- Hellsaw
- Hellshock
- Hellspeak
- Hellsteps
- Hellstorm
- Helltrain
- Hellucination
- Hellveto
- Hellwell
- Hellwitch
- Hellyeah
- Helmet
- Helms Alee
- Helms Deep
- Helreidh
- Helrunar
- Helslave
- Helstar
- Heltekvad
- Helvitnir
- Hemelbestormer
- Hemlock
- Hemnur
- Hemorage
- Hemotoxin
- Hemplifier
- Henget
- Henrik Palm
- Heol Telwen
- Her Chariot Awaits
- Her Enchantment
- Heralder
- Herba Mate
- Hercunia
- Heresi
- Heresiarch
- Heresy Of Thieves
- Heretic
- Heretic (nl)
- Heretic Cult Redeemer
- Heretic Plague
- Heretic’s Dream
- Heretical
- Heretical Sect
- Heretkau
- Heretoir
- Herida Profunda
- Heriot
- Herman Frank
- Herman Rarebell & Band
- Hermano
- Hermh
- Hero Destroyed
- Herod
- Heroes Of Forgotten Kingdoms
- Herratik
- Hertz Kankarok
- Heruka
- Herzel
- Herzog
- Hesitation Wounds
- Hesperia
- Hessian
- Hetroertzen
- Hevein
- Hevidence
- Hevilan
- Hevisaurus
- Hex
- Hexecutor
- Hexed
- Hexen
- Hexentomb
- Hexis
- Hexorcist
- Hexperos
- Hextar
- Hexvessel
- Hexx
- Hi Fi Stacy
- Hibernus Mortis
- Hibria
- Hicks Kinison
- Hidden In Plain View
- Hidden Intent
- Hidden Lapse
- Hidden Memories
- Hidden Ruin
- Hideous Deformity
- Hideous Divinity
- Hideweaver
- Hiems
- Hierarchies
- Hierophant
- Hifi Society
- High Bridge
- High Command
- High Desert Moon
- High Disaster
- High Fighter
- High Hopes
- High On Fire
- High Parasite
- High Priest Of Saturn
- High Priestess
- High Spirits
- High Vis
- High Warden
- Higher Power
- Highest Dream
- Highland Glory
- Highlord
- Highway Dream
- Hillhaven
- Him
- Himinbjorg
- Himmelkraft
- Himsa
- Hinayana
- Hinayana
- Hinder
- Hinsides
- Hippotraktor
- Hiraes
- Hirax
- Hiroshima Will Burn
- His Hero Is Gone
- Hiss From The Moat
- Hissing
- Historica
- Hitten
- Hittman
- Hitwood
- Hjarnidaudi
- Hjelvik
- Hjelvik
- Hladomrak
- Ho99o9
- Hoaxed
- Hobbs Angel Of Death
- Hobos
- Hocculta
- Hod
- Hodson
- Hogs
- Holding Absence
- Holdlajtorja
- Hole
- Hollenthon
- Holler
- Hollow
- Hollow Haze
- Hollow Leg
- Hollowtone
- Hollywood Groupies
- Hollywood Killerz
- Hollywood Undead
- Hollywood Vampires
- Holocaust
- Holocausto
- Holocausto Canibal
- Holter
- Holy
- Holy Constellation
- Holy Dragons
- Holy Grail
- Holy Knights
- Holy Martyr
- Holy Moses
- Holy Mother
- Holy Mountain
- Holy Shire
- Holy Terror
- Holy Tide
- Holy Water
- Holycide
- Holyhell
- Holyland
- Holyname
- Holyphant
- Home Style Surgery
- Homerun
- Homewrecker
- Homicidal
- Homicide Hagridden
- Homselvareg
- Honeybombs
- Honeymoon Disease
- Honeymoon Suite
- Honky
- Honour Among Thieves
- Hoobastank
- Hooded Menace
- Hoods
- Hookah The Fuzz
- Hope Drone
- Hope For The Dying
- Hopes Are Burning
- Hopes Die Last
- Hopesend
- Hopesfall
- Horcus
- Hordak
- Horde Casket
- Horde Of Hel
- Horisont
- Horizon
- Horizon Ablaze
- Horizon Ignited
- Horn
- Horn Of The Rhino
- Horna
- Horncrowned
- Horndal
- Horned Almighty
- Horned God
- Horns & Hooves
- Horns Of Domination
- Hornwood Fell
- Horrendous
- Horrendous Rebirth
- Horrid
- Horrid Human Condition
- Horrified
- Horrified (uk)
- Horror Farm
- Horse Butcher
- Horse Latitudes
- Horse The Band
- Horseback
- Horsebastard
- Horta
- Hortus Animae
- Host
- Hostile
- Hostility
- Hot Cherry
- Hot Mama
- Hot Sunday Blood
- Hot Water Music
- Hotel Diablo
- Hounds
- Hour Of 13
- Hour Of Penance
- Hours Of Worship
- House Of Atreus
- House Of Lords
- House Of Protection
- House Of Shakira
- Housebreaking
- Housemaster
- Houston
- Houwitser
- Hovercraft Pirates
- Hoverplain
- How Like A Winter
- How To Destroy Angels
- How We End
- Howl
- Howling Giant
- Howling Sycamore
- Howls Of Ebb
- HØstsol
- Hryre
- Htp
- Hubi Meisel
- Hughes Turner Project
- Huginn
- Hulder
- Huldrefolk
- Hull
- Human
- Human Agony
- Human Carnage
- Human Cluster
- Human Cull
- Human Decay
- Human Deception
- Human Dirge
- Human Factor
- Human Fortress
- Human Impact
- Human Improvement Process
- Human Mincer
- Human Temple
- Human Void
- Human Zoo
- Humanash
- Humangled
- Humanitas Error Est
- Humanity’s Last Breath
- Humator
- Humiliation
- Humm
- Humulus
- Hundred Reasons
- Hundred Suns
- Hundredth
- Hungry Like Rakovitz
- Hunns
- Hunted
- Hunting A Mirage
- Huntress
- Huntsmen
- Huranova
- Huronian
- Hurtlocker
- Husk
- Husqwarnah
- Hussar
- Hvile I Kaos
- Hyades
- Hyaena
- Hyaena Rabid
- Hyaena Rabid
- Hyborian
- Hyborian Steel
- Hybreed Wake
- Hybrid Circle
- Hybrid Freak Division
- Hybris
- Hybris (uk)
- Hyde Experiment
- Hydra
- Hydra (an)
- Hydrogen
- Hydrogyn
- Hyenas
- Hyl
- Hyle
- Hyling
- Hymnodya
- Hyperdontia
- Hyperion
- Hypersonic
- Hyperwulff
- Hypno5e
- Hypnopazuzu
- Hypnos
- Hypnos (swe)
- Hypnosis
- Hypnotheticall
- Hypocrisy
- Hypothermia
- Hyra
- Hyrgal
- Hysteria
- Hysterica
- I
- I Am
- I Am Abomination
- I Am Ghost
- I Am Heresy
- I Am I
- I Am Lethe
- I Am Morbid
- I Am Revenge
- I Am The Avalanche
- I Am The Night
- I Compagni Di Baal
- I Cursed
- I Declare War
- I Exist
- I Giardini Di Chernobyl
- I Hate When Elevator’s Door Open Up And A Raptor Appears In Front Of Me
- I Killed Everyone
- I Killed The Prom Queen
- I Maiali
- I Male
- I Prevail
- I Set My Friends On Fire
- I Shalt Become
- I Suffer Incorporated
- I The Breather
- I The Witch
- I Will Break Thee
- I Will Kill You
- I-def-i
- I’ll Be Damned
- Iamfire
- Iamx
- Ian Gillan
- Ibaraki
- Iberna
- Iblis
- Ibogaine
- Ibridoma
- Ic Rex
- Icare
- Icarus Witch
- Ice Age
- Ice Ages
- Ice Nine Kills
- Ice War
- Iced Earth
- Icehel
- Icepick
- Icethrone
- Icewind
- Ichor
- Icon
- Icon In Me
- Icon Of Hyemes
- Icon Of Sin
- Iconic
- Iconist
- Icons Of Brutality
- Ics Vortex
- Icy Steel
- Icycore
- Ideogram
- Ides Of Gemini
- Idle Hands
- Idles
- Idol Throne
- Idolatry
- Idols Are Dead
- Iduroni
- Ieschure
- If Hope Dies
- If I Die Today
- Iffernet
- Iggy And The Stooges
- Iggy Pop
- Ignea
- Ignis Absconditus
- Ignite
- Ignition Code
- Ignitor
- Ignivomous
- Ignobleth
- Ignominious Incarceration
- Ignorance
- Igorrr
- Ihsahn
- Ikarie
- Ikuinen Kaamos
- Il Grande Scisma D’oriente
- Il Male
- Il Maniscalco Maldestro
- Il Pasto Nudo
- Il Segno Del Comando
- Il Vuoto
- Ildaruni
- IldskÆr
- Ilid
- Ilienses Tree
- Ilium
- Ill Nino
- Illdisposed
- Illimitable Dolor
- Illnath
- Illnulla
- Illogicist
- Illogo
- Illuminata
- Illumishade
- Illune
- Illusion Force
- Illusory
- Ilsa
- Imagika
- Imaginary Flying Machines
- Imaginery
- Imago Imperii
- Imago Mortis
- Imago Mortis (ita)
- Imha Tarikat
- Imindain
- Immemoreal
- Immersed
- Imminence
- Immolation
- Immortal
- Immortal Bird
- Immortal Dominion
- Immortal Guardian
- Immortal Remains
- Immortal Rites
- Imodium
- Imonolith
- Impaled
- Impaled Nazarene
- Impaler
- Impellitteri
- Impending Doom
- Impending Doom (us)
- Impending Triumph
- Imperanon
- Imperator
- Imperia
- Imperial Age
- Imperial Child
- Imperial Crystalline Entombment
- Imperial State Electric
- Imperial Tide
- Imperial Triumphant
- Imperialist
- Imperious
- Imperious (de)
- Imperishable
- Imperishable (se)
- Imperium
- Imperium Dekadenz
- Imperivm
- Impetuous Ritual
- Impiety
- Impious
- Impious Baptism
- Impious Havoc
- Implore
- Imposer
- Imposter
- Imprecation
- Impure Domain
- Impure Wilhelmina
- Impurity
- In Aeternum
- In Aevum Agere
- In Aphelion
- In Aphelion
- In Autumn
- In Battle
- In Blackest Velvet
- In Case Of Carnage
- In Cauda Venenum
- In Cold Blood
- In Cold Blood (u.s.)
- In Dying Arms
- In Extremo
- In Fear And Faith
- In Flames
- In Grief
- In Hearts Wake
- In Human Form
- In Legend
- In Malice’s Wake
- In Memorium
- In Memory
- In Mourning
- In My Shiver
- In Obscurity Revealed
- In Sanity
- In Search Of The Sun
- In Silentio Noctis
- In Slaughter Natives
- In Slumber
- In Solitude
- In Spite
- In Tha Umbra
- In The Hearts Of Emperors
- In The Midst Of Lions
- In The Woods…
- In This Moment
- In Thousand Lakes
- In Torment
- In Tormentata Quiete
- In Twilight’s Embrace
- In Vain
- In Vain (es)
- In-graved
- In-quest
- In-sight
- In.si.dia
- Inactive Messiah
- Inaeona
- Inallsenses
- Inane
- Inanimate Existence
- Inanna
- Inarborat
- Inborn Suffering
- Inbred
- Incandescence
- Incantation
- Incantvm
- Incapacity
- Incarceration
- Incarnated
- Incendiary
- Inchiuvatu
- Incinerate
- Incineritor
- Incipient Chaos
- Incise
- Incite
- Inclination
- Incoming Cerebral Overdrive
- Inconcessus Lux Lucis
- Inconvenience
- Increase The Anima
- Incriminated
- Incubus
- Incudine
- Inculter
- Incursion
- Indecent Excision
- Indesinence
- Indestructible Noise Command
- Indian
- Indian Nightmare
- Indica
- Indicative
- Indigesti
- Indikon
- Indren
- Induction
- Indukti
- Industrial Puke
- Inerth
- Inevitable End
- Inexihibit
- Inexorum
- Infall
- Infamous
- Infamy
- Infant Annihilator
- Infanticide
- Infaust
- Infected Disarray
- Infected Flesh
- Infected Malignity
- Infected Rain
- Infecting The Swarm
- Infection Code
- Infectus 13
- Infera Bruo
- Inferi
- Inferi (usa)
- Infern
- Infernaeon
- Infernal Angels
- Infernal Coil
- Infernal Curse
- Infernal Death
- Infernal Goat
- Infernal Legion
- Infernal Majesty
- Infernal Poetry
- Infernal Poetry / Dark Lunacy
- Infernal Tenebra
- Infernal War
- Infernalivm
- Infernalizer
- Inferno
- Inferno (cze)
- Inferno Sc-fi Grind’n’roll
- Infernum
- Infernum (pol)
- Infest (fr)
- Infest (usa)
- Infestdead
- Infested
- Infestum
- Infestus
- Infiltration
- Infiltrator
- Infinita Symphonia
- Infinite Rising
- Infinite Tales
- Infinite Visions
- Infinited Hate
- Infinity
- Infinity Overture
- Infinity Shred
- Infliction
- Inflikted
- Infrared
- Infuneral
- Infuriate
- Ingested
- Inglorious
- Ingraved
- Ingrowing
- Ingurgitating Oblivion
- Inhabit
- Inhale Your Hate
- Inherit Disease
- Inhuman Condition
- Inhuman Hate
- Inhumate
- Inhume
- Iniquitous Savagery
- Iniquity
- Inira
- Injection
- Injury
- Inkisitor
- Inmate
- Inme
- Inmoria
- Inner Fear
- Inner Logic
- Inner Sanctum
- Inner Sanctvm
- Inner Shrine
- Inner Stream
- Inner Vitriol
- Inner Whiteout
- Innerload
- Innero
- Innershine
- Innerwish
- Inno
- Innocent Rosie
- Innumerable Forms
- Inquisition
- Inquisitor
- Inrage
- Insane
- Insane (hu)
- Insane Clown Posse
- Insane Therapy
- Insane Vesper
- Insania
- Insanity Alert
- Insanity Arise
- Insanity Fair
- Insect Warfare
- Insense
- Inside
- Inside Conflict
- Inside Mankind
- Inside Process
- Inside The Hole
- Inside Us
- Insidead
- Insidious
- Insidious Decrepancy
- Insidious Disease
- Insidious Omen
- Insignium
- Insineratehymn
- Insision
- Insomnium
- Instant Karma
- Instant Suppression
- Instanzia
- Instigate
- Instinct Of Survival
- Instinctive
- Instinto
- Integral
- Integrity
- Intense (uk)
- Inter Arma
- Interceptor
- Interferenze
- Interloper
- Interment
- Internal Bleeding
- Internal Disfunction
- Internal Rot
- Internal Suffering
- Internecine
- Intervalle Bizarre
- Intervals
- Intestinal
- Intestine Baalism
- Into Coffin
- Into Darkness
- Into Darkness (ger)
- Into Eternity
- Into The Moat
- Intolerance
- Intolerant
- Intonate
- Intricated
- Intrinsic
- Intronaut
- Introrectalgestation
- Invent Animate
- Inveracity
- Inverecund
- Inverloch
- Inverno
- Inverno (it)
- Invernoir
- Inverted
- Inverted Matter
- Inverted Pyramid
- Invictus
- Invidia
- Invincible Force
- Invisius
- Invivo
- Invocation (chile)
- Invocation Of Nehek
- Invocator
- Invsn
- Inzest
- Io
- Io
- Io (bestia)
- Iommi
- Ion Dissonance
- Ion Of Chios
- Ion Source
- Ion Vein
- Iotunn
- Iperyt
- Ipotesi Perversa
- Ipsissimus
- Iq
- Ir8 Vs. Sexoturica
- Ira
- Ireful
- Irepress
- Iridio
- Iridyum
- Irist
- Irkallian Oracle
- Iron Allies
- Iron Angel
- Iron Curtain
- Iron Dogs
- Iron Fate
- Iron Fire
- Iron Firmament
- Iron Fist
- Iron Flames
- Iron Hunter
- Iron Jaws
- Iron Kingdom
- Iron Lamb
- Iron Maiden
- Iron Man
- Iron Mask
- Iron Monkey
- Iron Reagan
- Iron Savior
- Iron Void
- Iron Walrus
- Iron Ware
- Ironbunny
- Ironflame
- Ironmaster
- Ironsword
- Ironwood
- Irrbloss
- Irreverence
- Irriverence
- Isaak
- Isacaarum
- IsafjØrd
- IsafjØrd
- Isengard
- Isenordal
- Isgherurd Morth
- Ishtar
- Ishvara
- Isis
- Iskald
- Iskandr
- Iskra
- Islander
- Isle Of The Cross
- Ism
- Isolant
- Isolation
- Isole
- Isolert
- Israin
- Istapp
- Isvind
- It Bites
- It Dies Today
- It Lives It Breathes
- It Prevails
- Iter Charontis
- Iterum Nata
- Iuvenes
- Iv Luna
- Ivanhoe
- Ivar BjØrnson & Einar Selvik
- Ivory
- Ivory Moon
- Ivory Times
- Ivory Tower
- Ivs Primae Noctis
- Iwrestledabearonce
- Ixion
- Ixxi
- Izah
- Izegrim
- Izo
- Izrod
- J.r. Blackmore
- J.t.r. Sickert
- Jaaw
- Jack Blades
- Jack Dalton
- Jack Foster Iii
- Jack Frost
- Jack Off Jill
- Jack Russell’s Great White
- Jack Slater
- Jack Starr’s Guardians Of The Flame
- Jack Starr’s Burning Starr
- Jackal
- Jackyl
- Jacob’s Dream
- Jacobs Dream
- Jade
- Jaded Heart
- Jadis
- Jag Panzer
- Jagged Vision
- Jaguar
- Jaguero
- Jahbulong
- Jakko Jakszyk
- Jaldaboath
- Jambinai
- James Christian
- James Labrie
- Jane’s Addiction
- Jani Liimatainen
- Jano’s Head
- Janvs
- Japanese Voyeurs
- Japanische KampfhÖrspiele
- Jarboe
- Jared James Nichols
- Jari Tiura
- JÄrnbÖrd
- Jason Becker
- Jason Bieler And The Baron Von Bielski Orchestra
- Jasta
- Jaz Coleman
- Jeff Angell’s Staticland
- Jeff Loomis
- Jeff Scott Soto
- Jefferson Starship
- Jeffrey Nothing
- Jelonek
- Jemineye
- Jenner
- Jennie Tebler’s Out Of Oblivion
- Jerry Cantrell
- Jesper Binzer
- Jess And The Ancient Ones
- Jess By The Lake
- Jester Beast
- Jesu
- Jesus Ain’t In Poland
- Jesus Crost
- Jesus On Extasy
- Jesus Piece
- Jetboy
- Jethro Tull
- Jettblack
- Jewish Juice
- Jex Thoth
- Jezabel
- Jig-ai
- Jigsore Terror
- Jim Jidhed
- Jim Peterik
- Jimi Jamison
- Jimmy Chamberlin Complex
- Jimmy Page And Robert Plant
- Jing Chi
- Jinjer
- Jizzy Pearl
- Jk Flesh
- Jk Northrup
- Joan Jett
- Job For A Cowboy
- Jodis
- Joe Bonamassa
- Joe Lynn Turner
- Joe Satriani
- Joe Stump
- Joe Thrasher
- Joel Hoekstra
- Johansson & Speckmann
- John Zorn
- John 5
- John Arch
- John Carpenter
- John Frum
- John Gallow
- John Garcia
- John The Void
- John West
- John Wetton
- Johnny Burning
- Johnny Lima
- Johnny Mox
- Johnny Nocash And The Celtic Outlaws
- Johnny Truant
- Joint Hill
- Joker Five Speed
- Jolly
- Jolly Power
- Jon Lord
- Jon Oliva
- Jon Oliva’s Pain
- Jon Schaffer’s Purgatory
- Jonas Lindberg And The Other Side
- Jonathan Davis
- Jonathan HultÉn
- Jono
- Joop Wolters
- Jordaan
- Jordablod
- Jordan Rudess
- Jorelia
- Jorn
- Joshua Travis
- Jotnar
- Journey
- Jours Pales
- Joy Division
- Joyless
- Jucifer
- Judas Priest
- Judas The Dancer
- Judgement Day
- Judgement Day (u.s.)
- Judicator
- Judiciary
- Juggernaut
- Juglans Regia
- Jukka Tolonen Band
- Julia And The Roofers
- Julie Christmas
- Juliette Lewis
- Jumping Shoes
- Jumpmeal
- Jumpscare
- June
- June 1974
- Jungbluth
- Jungle Julia
- Jungle Rot
- Junius
- Junkie Dildoz
- Junkyard Drive
- Jupiterian
- Jussipussi
- Just Before Dawn
- Just Like Vinyl
- Justice For The Damned
- Justify Your Venom
- Justin Sullivan
- Jutta Weinhold
- Juvenes
- Jx Arket
- K-again
- K.o.kaine
- Ka’una
- Kaada-patton
- Kaamos Warriors
- Kabang
- Kadavar
- Kadavar (ger)
- Kadenzza
- Kadinja
- Kaipa
- Kairi
- Kaiserreich
- Kaivs
- Kaktus Project
- Kal-el
- Kalah
- Kalahari
- Kalandra
- Kaledon
- Kaleikr
- Kalevala
- Kaliage
- Kalidia
- Kalisia
- Kalki Avatara
- Kall
- Kalmah
- Kalt Vindur
- Kambrium
- Kamelot
- Kamera
- Kami No Ikari
- Kamikabe
- Kamion
- Kamlath
- Kampfar
- Kamra
- Kandia
- Kania
- Kankar
- Kanonenfieber
- Kansas
- Kanseil
- Kantica
- Kaos Engine
- Kaosis
- Kapein
- Kaptivity
- Karcavul
- Kardia
- Karelia
- Karfagen
- Kari
- Karin Park
- Karizma
- Karkara
- Karl Marx Was A Broker
- Karl Sanders
- Karma
- Karma To Burn
- Karmakanic
- Karmian
- Karmic Jera
- Karnak
- Karnarium
- Karnivool
- Karnya
- Karpenter
- Karybdis
- Karyn Crisis’ Gospel Of The Witches
- Kataan
- Katabase
- Katafalk
- Kataklysm
- Katalepsy
- Katana
- Katanga
- Kataplexia
- Katatonia
- Katavasia
- Katechon
- Katharos
- Katharsis
- Katla
- Katra
- Kattah
- Kauan
- Kawir
- Kayak
- Kayleth
- Kayo Dot
- Kayser
- KÆlan Mikla
- Kee Marcello
- Kee Of Hearts
- Keenants
- Keep Of Kalessin
- Keep The Promise
- Keeper Of Darkness
- Kehlvin
- Kehlvin & Rorcal
- Keith Caputo
- Keith Emerson Band
- Kekal
- Kells
- Kelly Keagy
- Kelly Keeling
- Ken Mode
- Kenos
- Keops
- KerasfÓra
- Kerbenok
- KÊres
- Keres (ita)
- Kerion
- Kernel
- Kernel Zero
- Kerosene
- Kerrigan
- Kerry King
- Ketzer
- Kevel
- Kever
- Key Of Mythras
- Key Of Universe
- Keygen Church
- Keys
- Keys Of Orthanc
- Kezia
- Khanate
- Khandra
- Khanus
- Khaos-dei
- Khazad Dhum
- Khemmis
- Khert-neter
- Khmer
- Khold
- Khoma
- Khonsu
- KhÔrada
- Khors
- Khthoniik Cerviiks
- Khymera
- Kiara Laetitia
- Kick
- Kick Axe
- Kick:down
- Kickback
- Kickhunter
- Kid Down
- Kid Rock
- Kids In Glass Houses
- Kiju
- Kik Tracee
- Kikagaku Moyo
- Kiko Loureiro
- Kill Devil Hill
- Kill Division
- Kill Division (usa)
- Kill Everything
- Kill Hannah
- Kill Ii This
- Kill Ritual
- Kill The Client
- Kill The Klown
- Kill The Lights
- Kill The Romance
- Kill The Thrill
- Kill Your Karma
- Killaman
- Killcount
- Killer
- Killer Be Killed
- Killer Boogie
- Killer In The Workplace
- Killer Klown
- Killerfix
- Killers
- Killers Lodge
- Killin’ Baudelaire
- Killin’ Kind
- Killing Addiction
- Killing Creed
- Killing Joke
- Killing Machine
- Killing Spree
- Killing The Dream
- Killing Touch
- Killjoy
- Killswitch Engage
- Killtribe
- Kilmara
- Kilt
- Kilte
- Kinetic
- Kinetik
- Kinetik Control
- King
- King 810
- King Apathy
- King Buffalo
- King Buzzo & Trevor Dunn
- King Company
- King Conquer
- King Crimson
- King Diamond
- King Diamond And Black Rose
- King Dude
- King Fear
- King Giant
- King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard
- King Goat
- King Heavy
- King Mothership
- King Of Asgard
- King Of Balance
- King Of None
- King Parrot
- King Potenaz
- King Satan
- King Witch
- King Woman
- King Wraith
- King’s Evil
- King’s X
- Kingbaby
- Kingcrow
- Kingcrown
- Kingdom
- Kingdom Come
- Kingdom Of Giants
- Kingdom Of Sorrow
- Kingfisher
- Kingfisher Sky
- Kings Destroy
- Kings Of Broadway
- Kings Of Leon
- Kings Of Mercia
- Kinit Her
- Kink
- Kino
- Kip Winger
- Kir
- Kirk Windstein
- Kirlian Camera
- Kismet
- Kiss
- Kiss Of Death
- Kissin’ Dynamite
- Kissing Candice
- Kissing Candice
- Kittie
- Kiuas
- Kivimetsan Druidi
- Kix
- Kjeld
- Kk’s Priest
- Klimt 1918
- Kll
- Klogr
- Klone
- Kluizenaer
- Kmfdm
- Knelt Rote
- Knife
- Knight & Gallow
- Knights Of The Abyss
- Knivesfall
- Knocked Loose
- Knowing2fly
- Knowledge Through Suffering
- Knuckledust
- Knut
- Knyght
- Ko:mi
- Koan
- Kobra And The Lotus
- Koen Herfst
- Koldborn
- Koldbrann
- Kolomn
- Koloss
- Kolossus
- Kolp
- Komatsu
- Kommand
- Kommandant
- Kong
- Kongh
- KÖnigreichssaal
- Konkhra
- Konquest
- Kontact
- Kontatto Estremo
- Kontinuum
- Konvent
- Korea
- Körgull The Exterminator
- Kormak
- Korn
- Koroded
- Korpiklaani
- Korpituli
- Korpius
- Korrigans
- Korum
- Kory Clarke
- Korzus
- Kosmovorous
- KostnatĚnÍ
- Kotipelto
- Kottak
- Kowloon Walled City
- Koza Noztra
- Kraake
- Kraanium
- KrÅbØl
- Kragens
- KrÅke
- KrakÒw
- Krallice
- Kramm
- Krampus
- Krashah
- Krashkarma
- Krater
- Kratos
- Kratzer
- Kre^u
- Kreas
- Kreator
- Kreisor
- Kreyson
- Krieg
- Krieg (ita)
- Kriegsgott
- Kriegsmaschine
- Kriegszittern
- Krigere Wolf
- Krigsgrav
- Krilloan
- Kringa
- Krisiun
- Kristallwald
- Krobos
- Krohm
- Krokodil
- Krokus
- Krom
- Kronos
- KrÖwnn
- Krowos
- Krudo
- Kruelty
- Kruger
- Kruna
- Krux
- Krv
- Krvl
- Krvna
- Krvvla
- Krypt
- Kryptan
- Krypteria
- Kryptonite
- Kryptonomicon
- Kryptos
- Krypts
- Krys
- Krysantemia
- Kryuhm
- Kuadra
- Kubark
- Kubla Khan
- Kublai Khan
- Kull
- Kult
- Kult Of Taurus
- Kult Ov Azazel
- Kunvuk
- Kunz
- Kuolemanlaakso
- Kupid’s Kurse
- Kurai
- Kurgaall
- Kurgan
- Kurnalcool
- Kuturlat
- Kvadrat
- Kvaen
- Kvalvaag
- Kvelertak
- Kvelgeyst
- Kvist
- Kvltist
- Kxm
- Kyla Moyl
- Kylesa
- Kynesis
- Kypck
- Kyrbgrinder
- Kyterion
- Kyuss
- Kyuss Lives!
- L.a. Edwards
- L.a. Guns
- L.a. Guns Di Steve Riley
- L.a. Rats
- L.a.c.k.
- L.o.s.t.
- L’acÉphale
- L’alba Di Morrigan
- L’esperimento Del Dr. K
- L’impero Delle Ombre
- L’incendio
- L’ira Del Baccano
- L’oceano Sopra
- L’ordadunto
- L’ordre Du Temple
- L’ultimo Atto
- L7
- La Armada
- La Barba Della Montagna
- La Bottega Del Tempo A Vapore
- La Cuenta
- La Dispute
- La Famiglia Superstar
- La Fantasima
- La Fin
- La Follia
- La Fury
- La Janara
- La Menade
- La Morte Viene Dallo Spazio
- La Piramide Di Sangue
- La Setta
- La Sfera
- La Stanza Delle Maschere
- La Strange
- Laaz Rockit
- Lab Eleven
- Labirinto
- Laboratorio Cristalitos
- Labored Breath
- Laburinthos
- Labyrinth
- Labyrinth Of Stars
- Labyrinthus Noctis
- Lacasta
- Lacerater
- Laceration
- Lacerator Swarm
- Lacerhate
- Lacerhate
- Lachaise
- LacittÀdolente
- Lackadaisical
- Lacolpa
- Lacrimas Profundere
- Lacrimosa
- Lacuna Coil
- Lady Beast
- Lady Reaper
- Laeta Mors
- Laethora
- Laetitia In Holocaust
- Lagwagon
- Lahmia
- Laibach
- Lair Of The Minotaur
- Lake Of Blood
- Lake Of Tears
- Lakei
- Lakeshore
- Lalu
- Lamantide
- Lamb Of God
- Lambs
- Lambstone
- Lambton Curse
- Lament Cityscape
- Lamentari
- Lamentations
- Laments Of Silence
- Lamentu
- Lamp Of Murmuur
- Lana Lane
- Lance King
- Lance Lopez
- Lancer
- Land Of Damnation
- Land Of Hate
- Land Of Lore
- Landmine Marathon
- Landmvrks
- Landscape Of Zeroes
- Landscapes
- Lanfear
- Languish
- Lansdowne
- Lantern
- LantlÔs
- Lapida
- Lapis Niger
- Lappeso
- Lard
- Lares
- LÄrm
- Laruso
- Larvae
- Lascar
- Lash
- Last Autumn’s Dream
- Last Breath
- Last Century
- Last Chance To Reason
- Last Code
- Last Day Before Holiday
- Last Days Of Eden
- Last Embrace
- Last Empire
- Last Falling Rose
- Last Frontier
- Last House On The Left
- Last In Line
- Last Legacy
- Last Man’s Breath
- Last Mile
- Last Minute To Jaffna
- Last Mistake
- Last Rebels
- Last Rites
- Last Souls
- Last Stroke
- Last Tribe
- Last Union
- Last Warning
- Last Winter
- Lastbreath
- Laster
- Lastera
- Late Night Venture
- Latexxx Teens
- Latitudes
- Laudamus
- Lauren Harris
- Laurenne/louhimo
- Lay Down Rotten
- Lay Of The Autumn
- Lazarus A.d.
- Lazarus Blackstar
- Lazarus Dream
- Lazer/wulf
- Ld/50
- Le Butcherettes
- Le Ceneri
- Le Chant Noir
- Le Orme
- Le Vibrazioni
- Lead Pipe Cruelty
- Leaden Tears
- Leader Of Down
- Leaf
- Leafblade
- League Of Distortion
- Leah
- Leather
- Leathermask
- Leathermouth
- Leatherwolf
- Leaves’ Eyes
- Lebbra
- Lecherous Gaze
- Lecherous Nocturne
- Lechery
- Lectern
- Led Zeppelin
- Leeched
- Lefay
- Left Alone
- Left Cross
- Left For Dead
- Left Hand Path
- Left In Ruins
- Left To Die
- Left To Suffer
- Left To Vanish
- Lefutray
- Legacy Of Hate
- Legen Beltza
- Legend
- Legend Of The Seagullmen
- Legenda Aurea
- Legendry
- Legion
- Legion (usa)
- Legion Of Andromeda
- Legion Of Darkness
- Legion Of Sadism
- Legion Of The Damned
- Legion Warcry
- Legionem
- Legions Of Doom
- Legions Of The Night
- Legs Diamond
- Lehmann
- Leiden
- Leif Edling
- Lelahell
- Lemeleagre
- Leng Tch’e
- Lenity Lake
- Lennon
- Lenore S. Fingers
- Lento
- Leo Minor
- Leonardo
- Leper Colony
- Leprophiliac
- Leprous
- Leptotrichia
- Les Chants De Nihil
- Les Chants Du Hasard
- Les Discrets
- Les ÉkorchÉs
- Lesbian
- Lesion
- Lesoir
- Less Than Jake
- Less Than Jake
- Lesser Glow
- Lesser Key
- Let It Die
- Let Them Fall
- Leta
- Letargy Dream
- Lethal Steel
- Lethargy
- Lethe
- Letlive
- Letters From The Colony
- Letzte Instanz
- Leucosis
- Leucrota
- Levania
- Levara
- Level 10
- Level-c
- Leverage
- Leviathan
- Leviathan (it)
- Lewd Acts
- LhaÄd
- Liar
- Liar In Wait
- Liber Null
- Lice
- Licht Erlischt
- Lichtblick
- Lie In Ruins
- Liege Lord
- Lies Of Nazca
- Lieweaver
- Life As A Ghost
- Life In Between
- Life In Your Way
- Life Long Tragedy
- Life Of Agony
- Lifeforms
- Lifeless
- Lifeless Dark
- Lifelost
- Lifelover
- Lifend
- Lifers
- Liferuiner
- Lifesick
- Lifvsleda
- Ligeia
- Ligeia (us)
- Light & Shade
- Light Bearer
- Light Of The Morning Star
- Light Pupil Dilate
- Light Silent Death
- Light The Torch
- Light This City
- Lightfold
- Lightning Bolt
- Lightning Born
- Lightning Swords Of Death
- Lightsucker
- Lik
- Lik (stockholm)
- Like A Storm
- Like Moths To Flames
- Like Rats
- Liles/maniac
- Lili Refrain
- Lillian Axe
- Lilyum
- Limbes
- Limbonic Art
- Limbs
- Liminal Shroud
- Limp Bizkit
- Lindemann
- Lindsay Schoolcraft
- Linea 77
- Linear Sphere
- Lineaviola
- Lingalad
- Lingua
- Lingua Ignota
- Lingua Mortis Orchestra
- Linistit
- Link
- Linkin Park
- Linus Klausenitzer
- Lion’s Share
- Lione – Conti
- Lionheart
- Lionheart (uk)
- Lionize
- Lions At The Gate
- Lionsheart
- Lionsoul
- Lipz
- Liquid Flesh
- Liquid Graveyard
- Liquid Tension Experiment
- Liquido Di Morte
- Lisa Cuthbert
- Listeria
- Lita Ford
- Litha
- Litham
- Lithotome
- Litmus
- Liturgy
- Liturgy (tn)
- Liv Kristine
- Liv Sin
- Liva
- Livarkahil
- Live Burial
- Livello Zero
- Livgone
- Lividity
- Living Colour
- Living Corpse
- Living Dead Lights
- Living Death
- Living Death (ger)
- Living Gate
- Living Metal
- Living Sacrifice
- Living With Disfigurement
- Living Wreckage
- LivlØs
- Livor
- Lizzard
- Lizzies
- Lizzy Borden
- Lja
- LjÁin
- Ljosazabojstwa
- Llnn
- Llvme
- Lo-pan
- Lo!
- Load Rejection
- Loaded
- Loadstar
- Loathe
- Loather
- Loch Vostok
- Lock Up
- Lockdown
- Lockdown Junkies
- Locked In
- Lockup
- Locrian
- Locus Animae
- Locus Mortis
- Locus Neminis
- Locust Leaves
- Lody Kong
- Logic Edge
- Logic Of Denial
- Logical Terror
- Logo Illeggibile
- Loia
- Loimann
- Loincloth
- Loinen
- Loits
- Lola Stonecracker
- Loma Prieta
- London Underground
- Lonely Robot
- Lonewolf
- Long Distance Calling
- Longobardeath
- Lönndom
- Looking For A Name
- Looking For An Answer
- Lord
- Lord Agheros
- Lord Belial
- Lord Divine
- Lord Dying
- Lord Elephant
- Lord Goblin
- Lord Gore
- Lord Mantis
- Lord Mortvm
- Lord Of Mushrooms
- Lord Of The Grave
- Lord Of The Lost
- Lord Of War
- Lord Vampyr
- Lord Vicar
- Lord Vigo
- Lordi
- Lords Of Black
- Lords Of Decadence
- Lords Of The Trident
- Lorelei
- Lorenzo Carancini
- Lorien
- Lorn
- Lorna Shore
- LorØ
- Los Angeles
- Los Sin Nombre
- Los Suaves
- Losa
- Losing Sun
- Loss
- Loss (usa)
- Loss Of Self
- Lost Brand
- Lost Dreams
- Lost Eden
- Lost Horizon
- Lost In Grey
- Lost In Rhone
- Lost In Tears
- Lost In Thought
- Lost Inside
- Lost Legion
- Lost Reflection
- Lost Resonance Found
- Lost Society
- Lost Soul
- Lost Symphony
- Lost Zone
- Lostalone
- Lostprophets
- LÓstregos
- Lothorian
- Lothüs
- Lotus Thief
- Lou Reed & Metallica
- Loud ‘n’ Nasty
- Loud Nine
- Loudblast
- Loudblood
- Loudmother
- Loudness
- Love And Death
- Love Forsaken
- Love Hate Hero
- Love In Elevator
- Love Is Noise
- Love Letter
- Love Machine
- Love.might.kill
- Lovebites
- Lovechild
- Loverboy
- Low Flying Hawks
- Lowbrow
- Lowburn
- Lowdown
- Lower Definition
- Lower Hell
- Lowlives
- Lowrider
- Loyal To The Grave
- Luca Princiotta
- Luca Turilli
- Luca Turilli’s Dreamquest
- Luca Turilli’s Rhapsody
- Lucassen & Soeterboek’s Plan Nine
- Lucid Dream
- Lucifer
- Lucifer For President
- Lucifer’s Chalice
- Lucifer’s Child
- Lucifer’s Hammer
- Luciferian
- Luciferian Light Orchestra
- Lucifericon
- Luciferion
- Lucifugum
- Lucky Bastardz
- Lucky Funeral
- Luctus
- Lucus A Non Lucendo
- Lucy In Blue
- Lucyfire
- Lucynine
- Lucynine
- Ludicra
- Ludovico Reale
- Lujuria
- Lullacry
- Lum
- Luminanocte
- Lumine Criptica
- Luminous Vault
- Lumsk
- Luna Ad Noctum
- Luna Field
- Luna’s Call
- Lunar Aurora
- Lunar Blood
- Lunar Chalice
- Lunar Chamber
- Lunar Dogma
- Lunar Explosion
- Lunar Mantra
- Lunar Shadow
- Lunar Spells
- Lunar Tombfields
- Lunaris
- Lunarsea
- Lunatic Asylum
- Lunatic Soul
- Lunatica
- Lunocode
- Lupercalia
- Lurk
- Lustmord
- Lustnotes
- Lustre
- Lutharo
- Luther Blissett
- Lux Divina
- Lux Interna
- Lux Perpetua
- Lvcifyre
- Lvme
- Lvmen
- Lvtvm
- Lychgate
- Lycus
- Lyfthrasyr
- Lykaion
- Lykantropi
- Lykathea Aflame
- Lykotonon
- Lymph
- Lynch Mob
- Lynn Allen
- Lynyrd Skynyrd
- Lyriel
- Lyzanxia
- M Inc.
- M-16
- M.a.i.m.
- M.a.n.
- M.c.
- M.d.45
- M.i.d.n.i.g.h.t. Forces
- M.i.l.f.
- M.ill.ion
- M.o.d.
- M.t. Void
- Macabre
- Macabre Enslaver
- Macabre Omen
- Macaria
- Macbeth
- Macbeth (de)
- Mace ‘n’ Chain
- Maceration
- Macerie
- Machetazo
- Machinae Supremacy
- Machine Head
- Machine Men
- Machinemade God
- Machinery
- Machines Of Grace
- Mad About Lost Emotions
- Mad Architect